Getting Ready for a New Homeschool Year : Free Printables for Your Homeschool

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I love getting ready for a new homeschool year. All those nice, crisp, clean schooling supplies.  A chance to start off right and focused and even an excited student!

In my home we all start scrubbing the homeschool room and organizing things at the sight of the first delivery box. My husband thinks of things like new furniture or gadgets we may need.

Another thing I've been working on is getting my homeschool bulletin boards in order. I'm sorry I don't have a picture of it for you but that's because we're getting ready to move and my whole homeschool room will take on a different look.

Last year I realized how much the things I post on the bulletin board helped the Sweet Peanut in her studies and helped us to keep focus in general.

I usually thought bulletin boards were just there to look cute so I kept the things I posted on it to a bare minimum. Something to mark the changing of the seasons and a new calendar for each month. That was really about it.

But then last year to help her with Word Problems in Math we discovered some Math Vocabulary Printables over at Teacher's Pay Teachers. These were a God Send for her (you know when God sends you a blessing) and since then I've paid more attention to what I put up  there.

I probably need a bigger bulletin board or at least another one because the one we do have is kind of small.

Do you have a nice homeschool bulletin board? What kinds of things do you post? Leave me a comment and tell me please.

In the meantime here is a round up some great printables you can use in your homeschool room on the bulletin board and for regular activities.


Math Word Problems Vocabulary, Kindergarten through 6th Grade. By Barnard Island

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Towards the end of the homeschool year I found some great Adjective Posters by AMC for our bulletin board.


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Mom, mom, mom. Did you think I would forget you? There are great printables over at Currclick that will help you organize your days and months. Here's one of the freebies (there are a lot) I found for you…

Tightwad Tess's Weekly Chore Planner for fall. Includes chores to do day by day and week by week. Get your home organized for the coming winter months. Now this particular freebie is for 2013. My tip? Get it. Check it out. Adjust it to work for 2014 and if you like it pick up her 2014 model.

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No set of free Homeschool printables would get finished without a mention of Gift of Curiosity's great printables. She sends out several a month so if you need great learning printabls for your little ones I highly reccomend you sign up. You can't access the printables unless you do. This week's printable is Watermelon-Do-a-Dots.

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This isn't free but it”s a ton of great printables for school at one low price. Offered through Educents Freebielicious

23 packs of downloadable goodness. For grades K through 1st. Sigh! I totally remember those days. This looks like a full curriculum, at least I would use it as such. Don't waste these. Whenever you get good downloads make good use of them. Laminate, whole punch, post, and use! This is a limited time offer so you have only a few days to get it. Freebielicious


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 If you click the banner below you can find more free printables for your homeschool days.


Free Printables Round-Up

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