Trying the Oil Cleansing Method for Acne
So…I'm sure my daughter wouldn't want me blasting her private info all over the internet but in the interest that this might help another preteen I'll share what what's been going on for the past few months.
Along with the 2 digit age numbers acne has shown up on my sweet baby's face. My baby's face has always been as smooth and blemish free as fresh peach so this has no doubt unnerved her.
I've discussed this phenomenon in ad nauseum with her aunts and even mothers of friends and scoured the internet for more information because as we all know the internet is the source for all knowledge (family joke). At first we used an expensive well known acne kit (Paula's Choice) and it really worked for about a month. But then something happened. Either it was summer or the acne outsmarted us but that no longer worked. We had been using the regular kit and I just wasn't comfortable ordering the extra strength for her young skin.
So we moved on. We tried regular grocery store items, you know those famous pads, and her acne just laughed at them.
My daughter is still a kid so having to pay all this attention to her face was not going over well with her. She wants to be outside playing in the mud with her friends, not wearing face masks and having steam facials. Anyway those don't seem to work anyway.
Anyway we looked at diet and since we don't eat fried foods or lots of processed foods I left that alone. She eats so well I don't wanna mess with her food although I'm careful not to buy too many chips and I monitor the water intake. We don't drink pop and right now there is no bread in the house (gasp!). Her snack of choice is on big juicy apple.
Of course at times like this a mama thinks and searches for all the products she can find that won't hurt but will help her baby's skin. I had remembered from last year's Ultimate Healthy Living Bundle how we received some kind of Acne Spot treatment from Bloom Naturals. We didn't have much of a need for it at the time and truthfully we didn't understand it so it had been in my daughter's bathroom drawer all this time. But in the back of my mind I also remembered they had more products to address acne.
Well right on time this year's Ultimate Healthy Living Bundle came on the horizon and as an affiliate I got a chance to preview the bundle and several of the bonuses.
One of the bonuses is (yaayyy!!!) a $15 credit from Bloom Naturals so I hit Molly up and asked her a few questions about what her product could do for the my daughter's skin. So she recommended the Cure and the Wash (two products in their skin care line) and off we were to wait.
Well they arrived and we said hmmmm… Checking out the directions for using these products I explained to my daughter how we would go about it.
First off Wash. The consistency of Wash is a thick honey. Well I guess it is a base of honey with a special blend of essential oils in it including tea tree oil. It smells nice. I looked up some more info and come to find out honey can be very good for acne and other skin conditions. How did I not know this?!
Bloom Naturals recommends applying Wash to your face before a shower and then after a few minutes rinsing it off while in the shower. Since I didn't want to get any in or near her eyes and she's kind of squiggly anyway I gave her instructions on how to use it.
Cure is a little different and took some getting used to. Looking at it I expected it to be a this soapy consistency. You know? Right?! Well it's actually an oil. Again with the nice collection of essential oils in it. Reading the directions for Cure you either apply it as a moisturizer or apply it and rinse off. We applied it to my daughter's skin after her shower but her face was so oily we rinsed it off. And then having a deja vu moment and thinking about the Oil Cleansing Method we wiped it off with a warm damp washcloth.
Well the next morning her face wasn't red like it usually is. And then later she tells me (TMI section starts here) that the sebum was starting to coming out. That made her excited because before they seemed stuck in there like glue.(end of TMI section)
Since Cure was an oil based product and I had the deja vu moment I started searching for Oil Cleansing Method for cleaning your skin. It was something I had tried many eons ago on myself before it was perfected to the levels it is today but since my skin is very dry it didn't cross my mind it could help my daughter too.
I ended up on the Wellness Mama site and found an article about how she uses the Oil Cleansing method. I also noted that she discusses the Oil Cleansing method in her book Natural Hormone Balance Guide for Women. Well the title of the book intrigued me and I clicked over to find out how much and more about it. Hmm…..$24. Well I'll think about it.
Later that night I'm going through my ebooks from this year's 2016 Ultimate Healthy Living Bundle. You know to see what might be of interest for you. And what do I see? None other than Natural Hormone Balance Guide for Women ! (Nodding here)
So yeah I am a happy camper!
Anyway we've been using the Cure and Wash for about a week. Actually a couple of days since at first we were doing it wrong.
With the Bloom Naturals products apparently there is about a 2 week adjustment period for using an oil cleansing face wash method. Your skin apparently detoxes so I'll keep you posted.
I feel much better using these natural products.
In the meantime if you're interest in scoring your own Bloom Naturals product and getting a copy of Natural Hormone Balance Guide for Women among many many other things for less than just those two items combined purchase your Ultimate Bundle pack today!
Click here to find out more =>
btw- This isn't the only great bonus I picked up. Stay tuned!
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Hey Kemi,
I’m a mom and I have a daughter who doesn’t encounter acne yet. As a mom, we always want the best for our kids. I will bookmark this page because I know in the future this blog is useful whenever my daughter experienced the same. Thanks!
Hello Kemi,
Thanks for your response! I’m glad to hear that her acne’s cleared up. I do try to avoid eating bread and baked products because it contains milk and of course carbs, but sourdough doesn’t have milk, so that’s good. I should try baking that too. I used to bake a lot before. Do you mind sharing a recipe? Just something that I can easily follow. Thank you! 🙂
Hi Kimi,
Your daughter is so lucky to have a mother like you. Back in high school when I suffered major acne problems, my mom would just tell I’d outgrow it and that it was just normal. I resort to using natural products, things I see in the kitchen (like Apple Cider Vinegar, baking soda, honey, etc) and some of it worked for me. I hope the Wash and Cure system works for the best. Thanks for sharing!
Thank you Jenny 🙂 I saw how frustrated my daughter was and wanted to help her. We’ve also been using sourdough for all our baked goods (except cookies) and I can’t say for sure but her acne has really cleared up.
This is interesting. I have been debating about what to do for my oldest daughter. Her acne is terrible. Horrible. She washes twice a day with a good cleanser but it really isn’t helping with the curing the acne. Now when she was on an antibiotic for a lung infection, her skin got really clean. I found that intriguing. Now you have me wondering about this company. I hate spending money on things that end up not working. Especially since skin treatments are on the whole so expensive. I’ll definitely go check them out, though. Thank you for sharing it all!
You’re welcome Lori. I hear you on the cost. It can really add up. Let me know how it goes.
Acne is such a pain!! So glad you found something you can feel good about using and is working so far! I’m very cautious about using a chemical cocktail on our faces as well, so I’ve been using the oil cleansing method for just over a year. My own acne isn’t gone completely, but it’s greatly reduced AND my skin isn’t dry! I’m headed over to Bloom Naturals now to check out the Wash and Cure though – my daughter and I might both benefit from it. Seems like it would probably smell better than the straight tea tree oil I sometimes use. Ha!!
Oh Kym thank you for letting me know your results from the Oil Cleansing Method. We’re hanging in there but these first few weeks are nerve wracking. I’ve started using a little bit on my own skin but I need to purchase my own bottle. I would like to know if you do anything else or just strictly the Oil Cleansing?