Our Morning Path as We Walk for Our Health {5 Minute Friday}

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This Friday I decided to do something different and participate in Kate and her 5 Minute Friday.

This Friday's word is #PATH.

When I think of #path in the spiritual sense I think that I want to make sure I'm walking on the right path. In my life, with my family, in raising my daughter, in my teeny home business, and so forth.

We wear so many hats as women and you want to be master of them all but that is impossible eh?

I know that one thing that will help me with all my hats is being in the best health I can be. As I grow older (oy vey!) good health is a beacon that seems much more important.

In making sure I have enough energy to care for my family and to be a help and support to those around me. Letting myself go is not an option. I strive for optimal health.

My Healthy Past

In the past I took my good health for granted. I was in great shape, took no medications, never spent any time in the hospital apart from being born there, and so on.

My grandmother started me on multivitamins in my early 20's. And I discovered they added a new level to my health.

These days I can look back and see the things I did for my health that I had no idea were so good for me (And of course the things I did that were bad.).

One of those things was walking.

I had a lot of natural energy and to burn it off I walked…a lot. I walked everywhere. It helped that I don't like to drive. But now, where I live, there is not much within reasonable walking distance. The library is 7 miles away. It would take me 2 hours to walk there and, well, that's not happening. My grocery store is even further. There is one closer but it's down a busy highway road and that doesn't make nice walking for me.

So I just sat, and sat, and sat. And drove. And gained some poundage. And tired easily.

Not happy.

My Healthy Future

After reviewing the WAY Comes Home curriculum we decided that we wanted to start walking in the morning before school. Among other things. But first we make a daily walk a habit.

I've always loved walking and never realized what I was doing for my health and weight all those years ago when I did so much walking just to get some air.

Well it's been probably about 10 years since I've taken up a daily walk and it's long overdue. I love it that there are a lot of walkers in my neighborhood. Young and old we wave and shout greetings across the street.

When the Sweet Peanut and I take our walk it's about the time most people are driving off to work. Some days Daddy Big can join us and that's always nice. The Sweet Peanut rides her bike as I walk, huffing hard to keep up.

Why We Walk

Since we're doing school much of the day we can sit for long periods of time. This is so not good for you. At least with starting the day with a walk we get our hearts pumping, wake up, and tone those thighs!

In the next few days I'll talk more about walking for your health and even weight loss and how you can start up a good walking workout for you and family.

Linking up with Kate and her 5 Minute Friday


  1. Oh this is convicting!!!!! I need a daily walk, too. Love the idea of doing it with the children before school. But I can make excuses and think “Well, then I’ll have to shower when I get home and it’ll make the school day longer….” pathetic, huh, how I can come up with excuses? 🙁


    1. Shari I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been meaning to do this but just…didn’t. I had excuse after excuse too. This time we just did it. I think it helped having my husband excited to join us when he can. It’s been fun.

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