Creating a Private Retreat in Your Small Backyard

file0002111498491Don’t be discouraged by a small backyard. Just because you don’t have an acreage doesn’t mean you can have a place to thoroughly enjoy. With a few touches you can make it a private retreat for you and your family.


Start with Greenery: One of the nicest things you can do to your backyard is to add some lovely trees and bushes. Do file0001699006750some research into what native trees or hedges you can plant along the fence line. Things to look for are varieties that will grow quickly, not be invasive, and take well to trimming. These can block your view from neighbors and give you the feeling of being in private surroundings. Here’s an article from This Old House on living fences.

Don’t forget to add flowering bushes too.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAAttract some Wildlife: Now I don’t mean gophers or cats and dogs (unless you already own some) but birds. Birds are such a joy to watch. Birds are attracted to any body of water, whether big or small. So if you don’t already have a permanent water source in your yard, you can provide one simply by installing a bird bath or fountain.It does not need to be huge. Here’s a nice tutorial for a small birdbath you can make. And be sure to clean it regularly.




Add a Sweet Spot for Respite: Add some cute chairs and a tiny table for taking tea or having an al fresco meal. file000137705888 Eating outdoors always brings a healthy appetite and can make so some lovely times. This does not have to break the bank either. Pick up some chairs from your local thrift stores. You can find some lovely stuff that people have dropped off that may be just perfect for your little outdoor oasis. A little paint and some polish and you have a Country Living worthy backyard.

While I tend to think that some magazine’s ideas of small are still grandiose for the rest of us I still think you may find some inspiration in these articles.

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