Juggling Homeschooling and Homemaking

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Our homeschool days were pretty full with schoolwork, activities, errands, and taking care of home. Naptime had gone the way of the good old days, and it was no longer a thing to sit your toddler in her high chair and watch mommy while she moped.

When our daughter was young homeschooling seemed more like play and I had plenty of time left in the day .

Back then it was easy to juggle homeschooling and homemaking

Some days I feel as though homemaking gets harder as my daughter gets older

But those are just excuses and I can't blame all my household neglect on our homeschool.

I'm not alone in this phenomenon and have heard other homeschool mothers finding it difficult to see to the cares of home while seeing to the homeschooling.

There's a whole new level of intentional when it comes to homeschooling and it's pretty much a given you won't have the same energy for home cares as you did when your young students were tots.

So I thought I would offer up some of the things that have helped me to get things in order and keep up with home, homeschooling, and even some hobbies if you can believe it.

Juggling Homeschooling and Homemaking. Setting up your days to work for you.

Different Ways to Get Homemaking Done While Homeschooling

Every home is different and there are so many different styles of homeschooling and homemaking that no one schedule is going to look the same.

Finding out how to get the housework done while still being ever present for the homeschool hours may mean a bit of trial and error to find out what works for you and your family.

  • I personally know families where both parents work from home and are available to trade off on teaching the children different subjects so homemaking, or home business work can go on for one parent while the other teaches.
  • Another popular option for parents is to have the children involved with the homekeeping details. During breaks between subjects certain household chores are done by one and all in a wonderful harmony of keeping the home neat and tidy.
  • For those with tiny ones and little ones about it can be a season of less homemaking and more parenting. More hands on time with the little ones is far more important than a sparkling kitchen or homemade bread.
  • Larger families have more mess AND more hands to help clean up that mess. Older children can help teach younger children while mom or dad does some other work.
  • I personally have discovered that being at my best is a must. Getting enough sleep, eating right, and taking vitamins help me to feel much more energized so I’m not slugging through the day.
  • Writing things down in planners, notepads, and calendars keeps me abreast of all that is going on in my days.
  • Waking up earlier means I have some time to myself before I have to be there for everybody else. Easy to say, hard to do.
  • And then finally finding a Weekly Routine that fits me, this house, and our lifestyle.

Finding Your Own Perfect Homemaking Routine

Making homeschooling and homemaking work is finding the right fit for you.

Still trying to find the right pattern for your family? Here are a couple of resources…

I read the book Steady Days: A Journey Toward Intentional, Professional Motherhood when my daughter was much younger and loved it. Jamie Martin spoke my language. Get Organized, Delegate, and then the beautiful Routines. I love this book and still recommend it to my friends with small children.

Read some inspiring stories of how families homeschool and keep home.

Juggling Home, Work, and School Without Losing Your Balance: A resource for combining work at home with school at home. Stories from other work and school at home families, support for you, and practical advice.

How I Homeschool: 12 Families Share Their Lifestyle: Advice from moms who have been there. Finding out how they organize their days and their homes.

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