Looking Back at My Top Homemaking Posts From 2013

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top-homemaking-posts -2103As a blogger it's nice to look back and see what kind of content my readers most resonated with. What articles they came looking for.What were they reading here at Homemaking Organized and what kind of things I can provide for them in 2014.

My Top Post for 2013 at Homemaking Organized: A Schedule for Children at Home

Does that resonate with you? Finding ways to keep your kids days full without stressing you out? I originally made this post when my daughter was just coming out of toddlerhood. I found what was working in our home was to a very organized plan to our day. That type of planning still works today with my now 8 year old and our homeschool schedule.


Next Up was Don't Let Lack of Planning Rob You of Your Day

I'm guilty of this as much as the next guy. No matter what I'm doing. Homeschool, my small WAHM business, or Homemaking, when I plan I get much more done. When I don't I lose time and find myself struggling to catch up. I'm going to be focusing on this aspect a lot this year. Over at Biz Tips for Mom I've got a free Mini Planner for organizing your work at home day. This is for any type of small WAHM business not just blogging.  And over at Well Kept Planners I've got some pretty (if I do say so myself) weekly and monthly planners and calendars for 2014. I love this new planner for 2014 and find the pretty details motivate me.


Then: Where to Start When Cleaning and Organizing Your Home

Sometimes we don't know when to start when the whole home seems a mess. I wrote this 6 step article to help you get a handle on getting your home back on track. It doesn't tell you what room to start in but rather how to organize your thoughts and plans to get cleaning.


And: Put Your Home on a Schedule

This article is a top hit every year and is by far the most effective thing one can do to keep the home in order. Instead of rushing and trying to do everything all at once when you wake up and realize what a horror you've let your home become start by scheduling when you will see to certain tasks of the home.


Definitely don't Miss: Put Your Homemaking Binder Together 

This is another series of articles that has gone through it's share of revisions through the years. When you create all these schedules and plans for keeping your home in order they need to go somewhere right? Well a Homemaking Binder is the place. When I first started this series years ago the Homemaking Binder was kind of an old new thing (women kept home binders long before we were born). So now I'm actually in the process of redoing the whole series now and creating some great new planners over at Well Kept Planners to go with it.

Wasn't this fun? A look back at what was important, at least on my blog, in 2013. The reviewers of The Schoolhouse Review Crew all took a look back and you can read their posts by clicking on the pretty image below.

Looking Back at 2013

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