The Brinkman Adventures Audio Dramas Season 4 {Homeschool Review}

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This entry is part 24 of 28 in the series 2017 Homeschool Reviews

Brinkman Adventures

We recently got the chance to listen to the Brinkman Adventures Season 4 and we are so excited!

The Brinkman Adventures
  are audio dramas based on the inspiring stories happening in the lives of missionaries around the world. The dramas are connected together with the help of the Brinkman family.

If you're unfamiliar with audio dramas they are the same as or similar to radio dramas which were popular before the advent of television. It was great family entertainment to sit around the radio and let your imagination soar with the help of some great sounding special effects. And you can do the same with the Brinkman Adventues.

These particular audio dramas merge the tales of a real life family, the Brinkmans, with missionary stories some new and some familiar. God still works amazing miracles today so these are a testament to that.

This is our 3rd go around reviewing audio dramas featuring Brinkman family and it is exciting and beautiful as usual.

note: The children of the Brinkmans play some of the characters in the audios.

While some of the non-important details in these audio dramas are fictional (such as names) the missionary tales are real and happened to real people. The Brinkman family is the bridge from episode to episode.

Brinkman Adventures Audio Dramas

About Season 4 of the Brinkman Adventures

It's Season 4 and the Brinkman's are at Paradise Lake. Susan  Brinkman gives birth to Baby Micah while a big storm moves in making things difficult for everyone.

This Season includes 12 episodes

  1. A Paradise Lost
  2. Remember Nhu
  3. Aisha’s Fear
  4. Heart Song (my favorite)
  5.  The Crashed Kitchen
  6. Crisis In The Congo
  7. The Mysterious Palm Feller
  8. War of the Raccoons
  9. The Five Guys
  10. Toughest Man
  11. Cambodian Quest
  12. What Brings Us Together

We received a download of The Brinkman Adventures Season 4 but these dramas are also available as physical CDs.

There are one minute samples available for each episode. In case your curious. Just click over to the website and check them out. E ach episode of the adventures runs around 25 minutes.

My Thoughts About The Brinkman Adventures

I love the way these audio dramas weave exciting missionary stories into the daily life of the Brinkmans.

I know some people don't think that God moves through exciting miracles today. All one has to do is listen to these stories and you realize God is working and moving through His people.

Each story is as riveting as the one before, but if I had to pick my favorite is the visiting missionary, Nick Ripkin (not his real name, cue mystery music), who related the story of a Christian man being persecuted in Russia. This was a more intense episode but beautifully told.

The name of this episode is Heart Song.

A man in Russia has a group of believers meeting in his home. The authorities catch him and imprison him. They set him in the worst cell in the prison. The man is told his family has been killed. Through his faith, he is an inspiration to the other hardened criminals around him and they sing a song in his honor so beautiful it brought tears to my eyes.

That's just one example of the types of stories in this season. There is the witch doctor who seeks to know more about God, the day of disappointments, the struggle to show the Jesus film, and the Brinkman's lives woven through it all.

I was able to listen to the Season 4 of the Brinkman Adventures with my daughter, after the homeschool day had ended. It's was a great way to spend several afternoons.

It was the combination of these audio dramas and our homeschool curriculum that has inspired my daughter to be a missionary some day.

You can connect with The Brinkman Adventures Audio Dramas on Facebook

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Brinkman Adventures Audio Dramas Season 4
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