Help Your Child Confidently Cross the Road, A Book Review
We've been learning to cross the road safely as we reviewed the Greene Bark Press book Look Left, Look Right, Look Left Again.
This darling book is designed to help teach young children the safe way to cross the street.
Look Left, Look Right, Look Left Again is about a little duck named Wally Waddlewater who has made a birthday card for his grandmother. He has to cross the street so he can go into town to mail it to her but he finds it difficult to get across the street with all of the traffic.
What follows is a lesson in what to look for when crossing the road.
This is a cute book that brings an important message for a child on crossing any street.
Look Left, Look Right, Look Left Again is a 28 page board book which means it's nice and sturdy for younger hands.
This small square book runs 7 inches wide and 7 inches tall and is about 3/4 of an inch thick.
Look Left, Look Right, Look Left Again costs $8.50 via the Greene Bark Press website.
The main character in Look Left, Look Right, Look Left Again is a young duckling and he lives in a town with many other animal characters. Such as bears, mice, rhinos, elephants, a gorilla, a giraffe and more.
Each page of Look Left, Look Right, Look Left Again is colorful and cute. The words are printed a kid friendly font so an early reader can read it to themselves too.
Even though my daughter is 8 years old I still thought she would enjoy this book. I didn't tell her it was coming when I knew it was on the way. Lately she's been asking me for months when can she cross the street by herself. Since we're right off a main arterial my answer is always, “never!” But that's not reality. One day she will cross the busy street without holding mommy's hand and I wanted her to have the confidence to do so effectively and safely.
She loved Look Left, Look Right, Look Left Again. She may be 8 but the colorful pictures and cute characters still spoke to her child's heart. She read the book out loud as I was driving. She wanted to make sure I understood how to cross the road too. Seriously I don't think I really ever thought about how many times to turn my head when looking for oncoming traffic but after hearing AND reading the Look Left, Look Right, Look Left Again myself I do!
When building up your child's library this should definitely be a book on you “to purchase” list.