Balancing Diapers and Deadlines eCourse {a Review}

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This entry is part 23 of 24 in the series 2018 Homeschool Reviews

My baby is no longer in diapers but yet and still it's sometimes a game of beat the clock to get the family taken care of AND complete my tiny home business affairs. I'll admit to being disorganized at times so I love the idea of a course like Balancing Diapers and Deadlines to help me streamline my home and business life.

Balancing Diapers and Deadlines is an online course created by Lisa Tanner from Lisa Tanner Writing .  She created it for busy moms like her running their own side hustle (home business).

Balancing Diapers and Deadlines Systems and Routines to Help Busy Mompreneurs Get More Done

As a homeschooling mother of 8 who also works as a Virtual Assistant, Freelance Writer Lisa knows about keeping deadlines with children at your knee.  She's crafted this course to help others get organized and get things done.

The Balancing Diapers and Deadlines course is hosted online through the Thinkific platform.  That keeps it nice and organized. It contains 8 Units.

Here is what is covered in Balancing Diapers and Deadlines

  1. Welcome to the Course
  2. Building Your Foundation with the Basics
  3. Minimize Your Decisions
  4. Minimize Your Decisions the Annual Meal Plan
  5. Sustainable Growth
  6. Growing Your Business with Kids Around
  7. Boost Your Productivity
  8. Closing Thoughts

Each of these Units has several lessons within them. The lessons are about creating routines, getting the children involved, utilizing meal planning (not quite like you've seen it before), and managing your own life so you are not overwhelmed and burnt out. Balancing Diapers and Deadlines is a text based course with action items at the end of each lesson.

There are not a lot of shiny objects in this course. Just the details and information to help you get control of a very life. In addition to the action items many lessons contain printables and/or links to articles or other information to further your understanding.

I really Like Balancing Diapers and Deadlines

I really like the content and the format of Balancing Diapers and Deadlines.

I've been taking a lot of online courses lately (don't ask) and due to time constraints and limitations of my surrounds at times I've come to discover I prefer text based online courses over the video ones. I'm able to work through them much faster and since I'm a reader I like being able to read and maybe back up if I think I missed a point or two. I can also take them on the go and work on a class without need of headphones which aren't always practical. And reviewing information doesn't take forever and I seem to retain it better. I know this might be opposite for some people but this what works for me.

I know a lot of bloggers, writers, online shop owners and mompreneurs could use a formula for keeping it all together. We have families, homes, businesses, and often volunteer activities. It's a lot to carry on your plate but I believe that with the right methods you can handle quite a bit. I won't say, “handle it all”, because I don't believe that. I think you have to know when to say no and to what.

Currently in my life I'm a wife, I  homeschool my daughter, I help my mother get around to appointments and shopping, I recently became our homeschool co-op coordinator and VBS assistant director, I'm on a couple of committees at church and I run this little blog. Right before we got this course I was wondering if it was too much.

I've been taking my time slowly going through the course. So far I've been setting up a plan for my week, and working on getting meal planning back on the agenda. I know those two things work and Lisa has given me a few ideas for streamlining them even more.

Not all of the lessons are applicable to my life. Such as the lessons on working with children of certain age groups. But that's just a couple of lessons that don't apply to me. Most of this ecourse does cover things I need to work on.

I love the unit on Boosting Your Productivity. The tips are on working more efficiently and organizing my days to get more done. Just check out this outline…

  • Mornings Matter
  • Ending Your Days Well
  • Use Think Time
  • Improve Your Typing Speed
  • Make Your Spare Minutes Count

Mamapreneur? If you're feeling frazzled and overworked you need this course.

Connect with Lisa Tanner on Social Media

Balancing Diapers and Deadlines {Lisa Tanner Writing Reviews}


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