Complete Home Learning Suite by Essential Skills Advantage a Crew Review

The Complete Home Learning Suite is an online hub of supplemental learning for grades Kindergarten through 6th grade.
It covers…
- Reading
- Language and Grammar
- Math
- Science
- and Geography
The Math, Reading, and Language lessons run from Kindergarten to 6th grade. Science covers up to 3rd grade. Geography covers from 3rd to 6th grade.

Each lesson in the The Complete Learning Suite is meant to be supplemental and not used as a full curriculum. Instead of learning a concept or skill from scratch these activities are designed to be practice for what your student has already learned but may be struggling with (my take on it). So if your child is struggling in one area they can get extra practice in the Complete Learning Suite. I think it helps to start off knowing.
The lessons are short activities. All the activities are online and are interactive so your student will know how they are doing as they move through the program.
The Complete Learning Suite is priced at $7.99 a month for one student or $12.99 for up to 10 students. Pricing available on a 6 month and annual subscription base also.
How we Used ESA Complete Learning Suite
Members of the Schoolhouse Review Crew were given a one year subscription to ESA The Complete Learning Suite to run it through the paces and see how it worked for our children.
In our family we started out by using ESA The Complete Learning Suite a few times a week.
Each morning before diving into our regular curriculum the Sweet Peanut works in ESA on a subject of her choosing. Since she usually chooses Math I give her free reign to pick where she wants to focus. She also likes to work in Language Arts and Grammar.
In the Math section for grade 5 she can work on Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, or Division. Each category has several activities. The program just starts you at the beginning once you click a category but you can click on the menu button and then choose the activity you want to do from there.
Under the categories the problems include 5 and 6 digit problems, estimating, word problems, and a challenge section.
In the subtraction section particularly I like the format and how it sort of helps you (the student) along with answering a many digit problem. You fill in the answers one digit at a time which is a great reminder of how the process works. Back when we were just starting to work in subtraction this is the part that would trip The Sweet Peanut up. Borrowing and Renaming and when to do it.
In the Language Arts section she can work on Grammar and Spelling. The Sweet Peanut is a very good speller and there is a section for Spelling Stumpers where she likes to challenge herself. It says Grades 5-9 (even though ESA only goes up to Grade 6).
In ESA you can also see what subjects your student is working on, for how long, and how they are doing in them. You can also print out a Report Card (very cool) giving your child feedback on how they're doing.
What I Like About This Program
I really like that we can narrow down what we want to work on in the ESA Complete Learning Suite. In just a few minutes a day the Sweet Peanut can get some targeted practice on a Math Skill, Geography, or an English concept.
I love the Geography section. We could have really used that this past year but it will still also come in handy next school year. There is practice for states and their capitals, continents, countries and their capitals, oceans, Canadian geography with provinces and territories, and a lot more.
To keep an eye on things the reports let me see how she's doing and how much time she's spent on a particular subject.

I do wish that Science ran up to 6th grade. So far that's my only complaint.
We didn't use the Reading section so I can't really comment on that but I did peek in to see that there was Reading Comprehension.
There is no mention of using Common Core standards just in case you were wondering.
I also like that you can subscribe monthly to the Complete Home Learning Suite that way if you only want to focus on a particular skill for a short amount of time you have that option instead of committing to a full year or even 6 month. I think the ESA Complete Home Learning Suite is a nice package to supplement your homeschool curriculum or even if your child is in public or private school and help you target on specific topics.
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