Get Multiplication Times Table Help by Times Tables the Fun Way {Review}

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This entry is part 4 of 28 in the series 2017 Homeschool Reviews

Times Tables the Fun Way {Review}

My daughter decided she wanted to brush up on her Multiplication skills with Times Alive  and learn Times Tables the Fun Way.

Times Tables the Fun Way {Review}
My little perfectionist (my daughter) has always been frustrated that math doesn't come easy to her. She wants to master everything and since math keeps throwing new curves at her she's determined to meet it head on. Knowing that having the basics down is one of the keys to moving forward in math she wanted to become a little swifter or quicker at multiplication.

Times Alive is an online program for learning multiplication facts so you will need an internet connection and the volume turned up on your computer. The Times Tales website says the program will work on mobile devices with a few glitches (such as not storing the student's scores) but we didn't test this option. Also several students can use it at the same time as long as you use a different name for each student and they remember to log in with that name each time they use the program.

Times Alive is not a curriculum but focuses on teaching the times tables from 0 through 9. Times Alive is a monthly subscription priced at $9.95 with an initial set up cost of $6.95.

Using Times Alive to Brush Up on the Math Times Tables

After your student logs in (and you get past the annoying welcome message that plays each time) You are presented with the main screen that shows the multiplication lessons. There's also key that shows what each lesson will be (quiz, song, movie, paint, test).

There are 18 lessons moving through the multiplication table. It's not necessarily step by step (like 1×1 and 2×2 ) but in a method that helps your student learn a group of problems.

Times Tables the Fun Way {Review}
The math problems are introduced first as a little video, then as a song. Following the song are little interactive quizzes and puzzles for your child to answer.

Times Tables the Fun Way {Review}

Along the way there are also occasional tests to further check how your student is coming along.

You can check how your child is doing at any time by clicking the big red button at the bottom of the  screen. Be sure they are logging in with the same name each time so it tracks for each child using the program.

Times Tables the Fun Way {Review}
There is also Teacher's Directions section in case you need help in using the program.

How We Liked Times Alive

Admittedly my daughter was probably too old for this program. I think what this did for us was to give her a bit of assurance that, yes, she does know her math times tables (I've been thinking of working on self esteem).

My daughter did enjoy doing the lessons but I never found her singing the songs at odd times like I usually do, again probably because she was a bit beyond this (we are learning algebra).

We have discovered that, for her, things like this, using songs and games to reinforce things learned really helps. Sometimes all I have to do, if she's getting stuck, is reminder of something. For example, “Remember that song about number 3?” And that helps trigger the memory.

Get Multiplication Times Table Help by Times Tables the Fun Way {Review}

My Thoughts

We see it all the time in movies and tv shows (I'm thinking of a past When Calls the Heart episode here) sometimes all it takes is a different way of looking at something. I think that kids that love to read, and sing, and play games will take to this program and do well with their math times tables. Especially if they've been struggling before.

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Times Tables the Fun Way


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