Imagine…the Great Flood Through a Child’s Eyes {Book Review}

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This entry is part 22 of 28 in the series 2017 Homeschool Reviews

Barbour Publishing

It's always nice to find Biblical Fiction for my daughter like the book Imagine. . .The Great Flood by Matt Koceich  a schoolteacher and published by Barbour Publishing

I thought this title sounded like a great Bible adventure story for my daughter to read. She enjoys reading Christian Kids Books. And when adventure is thrown in it's even better.

Members of the Homeschool Review Crew were sent copies.

About Imagine…The Great Flood

IMAGINE... The Great Flood
Imagine. . .The Great Flood is the story of a 10 year old boy named Corey who lives in the modern day (21st Century).

Corey is sad about a recent move his family had to make for his father's job.  On a walk with his dog Molly he has an accident and hits his head. Corey wakes up during the time of the Great Flood.

Corey meets a friend who tells him of Noah and the Ark. So now he knows where is. And that he's back in time!! Having knowledge from the Bible Corey knows what he needs to do. Get on that Ark!

Corey has many experiences and adventures while trying to get on the Ark.

Including meeting giants called Nepthalim (Genesis 6:1-6) who attempt to thwart Corey's attempts.

And a man name Elizar who practices the darks and also tries to keep Corey from the Ark.

What My Daughter Thought About Imagine…The Great Flood

Yes she's checking out the next in the series.

When I received Imagine I gave it to my daughter to read. Imagine a child's chapter book with 110 pages. She was able to read it pretty quickly so I asked her more about the story.

The Sweet Peanut had this to say about this story…

What were your first impressions when reading the title and seeing the book?

I that the book would be good but it was better than I thought. There were few surprises I wasn't expecting in the story

What was your favorite part of the story?

My favorite part of the story is Corey dealing with the giants. Especially when they tried to keep him from the Ark!

Do you think this was too easy of a book or just right for your age? (she's 12)

I think that this book is just right for my age and younger. At 13 it might be too easy. 

Are you interested in getting your hands on a copy?


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Imagine..The Great Flood by Matt Koceich Barbour Publishing. A homeschool review.

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