Schoolhouse Review Crew Homeschool Blue Ribbon Awards

Another Homeschool Review Crew year has come to an end and with it is a Blue Ribbon Awards Ceremony where we vote on our favorite homeschool products that we reviewed from the past year.
You can see this main list over at the Schoolhouse Review Crew Blog but in the meantime you can read our own small list.
This past year we got to sample and review many different products based on our children's ages and even our own personal needs. Some were great fits and some not so great.
The following list are the picks from our little family. These are just a few of the items we enjoyed the best this past year.
My Vote for Best Overall Homeschool Product : Veritas Press.
This should come as no surprise. Many reviewers noted that the closest thing they could find to Veritas Press online learning was BJU Press Homeschool which is what we use as our main curriculum. The engaging interactive content works best for my daughter and getting to user Veritas Press solidified that fact. You can read my review on the Veritas Press Online Self Paced History Course here.
My Daughter's Vote for Best Overall Homeschool Product : KinderBach Online Piano Lessons
I was actually surprised when the Sweet Peanut announced KinderBach Online Piano Lessons as her favorite product of the year! We've actually since moved on to another homeschool piano course but she was adamant that this was her favorite homeschool product of the year. You can read my review of KinderBach Online Piano Lessons here.
My Vote for Most Useful Product for 2014: The Student Logbook
My favorite product that we got to review with the Schoolhouse Crew this calendar year was The Student Logbook. This was one of those products you don't know you need until you start using it. It's great for keeping track of daily lessons and keeping records. We're still using it today! You can read my review of The Student Logbook here.
Find out which products won the Blue Ribbon this past year for school AND home from the Schoolhouse Crew when you click the button below.