Take off Again With The Brinkman Adventures Season 3 a Schoolhouse Crew Review

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This entry is part 23 of 25 in the series 2015 Homeschool Reviews

Brinkman Adventures Season 3 Review
Created as an exciting way to inspire young kids about the amazing ways God works the Brinkman Adventures cleverly intertwines missionary accounts with family adventures for a listening treat for the whole family.

We got to review the Brinkman Adventures again recently with the Schoolhouse Review Crew and were sent The Brinkman Adventures: Season 3 on CD in the mail.

The Brinkman Adventures is a Christian audio drama series available on CD or as an MP3 download. The CDs come in a clamshell case that holds 4 CDs and the sheet with episode titles.

Season 3 of the Brinkman Adventures contains 12 episodes creating 5 hours of listening enjoyment. Each episode is about 25 minutes long.

Brinkman Adventures Season 3 Review

The Episodes in Season 3 are…

  1. God's Mule : The adventures of a Bible Smuggler and how he came to be one.
  2. Mountain Mover : More Bible Smuggling
  3. The Silent Ambassador : A shy little girl does big things for God
  4. Translating Trouble : The beginning of a Bible Translation story
  5. Man-Up : A hair raising adventure in the Alaskan wilderness
  6. Acorns & Oaks : This is a sweet story about an elderly man who thinks he's past his prime and also a miracle of a children's camp near China.
  7. A Saint's Story, Pt. 1: Nate Saint's son's story part 1
  8. A Saint's Story, Pt. 2 : Nate Saint's son's story part 2
  9. Untouched : A change of heart for a young man
  10. Busy Bees and a Bullhorn : Some wrapping up of the story in Acorns & Oaks and family drama
  11. Missionary Tourist, Pt. 1 : An exciting mission trip that takes place in Kashmir
  12. Missionary Tourist Pt. 2 : continuing drama in Kashmir

The missionary stories are cleverly woven into the daily regular happenings of the Brinkman family and brought about in a way that carries you right to the scene.

In the first episode, God's Mule, a missionary's story, Thomas Gomez, is being transcribed for a blog. As the transcription is being read we are transported to the setting. The background and setting noises are perfect. Close your eyes and use your imagination to set the scene. Thomas Gomez wants to do something different with his life than his father planned for him. As Christians we must sometimes do very hard things. He goes on bring Bibles to a country where that could send him to jail. He is also led by God to be just where He wants him to be.

Later on the Brinkmans travel to Ecuador and tour with the Auca/Waodoni people. There is some witnessing going on and it's a memorable trip for all.

These are just a few of the exciting stories in this series.


As one who has lived and traveled in countries where there is not as much “light” you come to find that God can work in amazing ways among much darkness. Miracles are alive and well today.

When it comes to the Brinkman Adventures we find many opportunities to kickback and listen. Usually my daughter and I will listen while crafting or cooking in the kitchen. I find that I tend to lose track of what I'm doing and really get into the stories so it helps to being doing something automatic and mundane. My husband has to be totally doing nothing but listening because that's how he is about his Faith stuff.

I just love these audio stories. I grew up on missionary stories. Brother Andrew, Nate Saint, and many more were names heard in stories at my mother's knee. It's lovely to be able to pass on the tradition to my own daughter and to hear many more stories from present day missionaries.


Listening to the Brinkman Adventures also never fails to inspire my daughter. She now wants to be a missionary too.

In this day of awful news and so much technology grabbing our children's attention it's wonderful to have something entertaining based on truth and using the imagination.

Want to try out some Brinkman Adventures for yourself? Visit this link and download 3 FREE episodes from Season 2 when you sign for the free quarterly newsletters.

Connect with The Brinkman Adventures on Social Media


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