Teach Your Kids About Wires and Currents EEME The Next Level

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This entry is part 17 of 25 in the series 2015 Homeschool Reviews


Keep the learning happening this summer!

When you find something that excites your child you want to dive in and harness that energy. Keep them learning. You never know what it will lead to.

A couple of years ago we were able to sample and review The Project Genius Light from EEME. This little hands on project is designed to get young children interested in electronics.

Last month we were again able to review the next level from EEME,  a DIY Display. After building the DIY Display your child will be able to make letters and numbers that look like the ones on calculators with their own lighted display.

EEME is designed for young kids (Ages 7 to 12 years old) and includes step by step videos with interactive questions and summary to get them involved.

We received our package in the mail which included all the items needed to create the DIY Display. If you are signed up for the six month EEME package (more about that soon) you will already have some of the items needed and will get the rest each month to move on to the next level.

After logging in to the free online lessons I backed off while my daughter went through each step of putting together her DIY Display.


Each video is very short. A few minutes. And the whole lesson series runs about 2 hours. SP (SweetPeanut) did a few lessons a day because electronics is kind of intense for her.eeme-following-instructions

As we went on she got more confident in what she was doing and was understanding what was happening. EEME Dad (the online instructor) gives great, clear information for what could be a daunting subject.


Even though I knew what she was creating I don't think she really “got it” until she was able to make her first lit up display. The “aha” moment.

There are also interactive questions to keep your child engaged and to review what is being taught.



  • EEME is a 6 Project subscription curriculum program priced at $109.95 with Free Shipping.
  • This Builder Basic 6 Project Set is The fundamentals of electronics in a single box! The project set has over 80 wires and components – breadboard, baseplate, battery pack, AA batteries and everything you need to build 6 projects:
    1. Project Genius Light
    2. DIY Display (that's the one we did in this review)
    3. Tentacles
    4. Attraction
    5. Fade To Black
    6. and Countdown.
  • The online Curriculum is free and your child (and maybe even you) will learn about LED's, resistors, transistors, capacitors, and much much more!
  • Every month you will receive new components for the next project.
  • The suggested age range for EEME is 7 to 12 years old.
  • If you have more than one child you only need one subscription. You can take apart and put together your projects as much as you need to so each child gets a “turn”.
  • Each video is fairly short, 2 to less than 10 minutes, and falls into a category of either LearnActivity or Question.eeme-moving-along-2

I wasn't sure if my daughter would be interested in this or not. Since summer was hitting and she's not necessarily electrically inclined I thought she would pass. BUT she thoroughly remembered doing the Project Genius Light activity which she enjoyed and actually still uses and she was excited to do the next in the series.

Each video is fairly short so she did about 3 or 4 a day. And since EEME Dad is giving lots of technical information she has to listen carefully and follow directions.

Sweet Peanut got really excited as each new bar on the display lit up by some movement or addition of wires or resistors and the interactive questions helped to drive home the electrical knowledge.

This was Part 2 of the Builder Basic 6 Project Set

This is a fun indoor activity for your child to do during the school year or for a summer project. Spend just a few minutes each day with this online, hands on learning activity. You never know, you may have a budding Engineer on your hands.

You can find out more information and sign up at Eeme.co

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this item free from Eeme. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”



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