Math Struggles, Here Today Gone Tomorrow – Mini Series -Day 2 – 5 Days of Homeschool…

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Math Struggles, Here Today Gone Tomorrow - Mini Series -Day 2 - 5 Days of Homeschool...

Welcome back to 5 Day of Homeschool… where members of the Schoolhouse Review Crew are sharing their Homeschooling insights.

Yesterday we talked about the parent’s role in helping your child succeed in math. Today I’ll talk a teeny bit about your precious child’s developing brain. This post is simple, short, and sweet. Simply because it’s a simple concept….Patience.

Whenever I get worried about my daughter’s struggle with a math concept I think back to what has been a basic fact in her learning since the 1st grade.

The worry over math will be here today and gone tomorrow.

Meal Planning 5 Day Bootcamp

As long as we, in our homeschool, follow a certain plan that I’ve cooked up we can pretty much guarantee that by the time the next school year rolls around she will have mastered a once difficult concept (and be ready for the next hurdle).

What is the plan?

  • Teach the math concept as best I can. Helping her to understand as only one who knows their child can (all I’m saying here is that sometimes our math curriculum uses big words and phrases to get a simple concept across. I decode the language, when necessary)
  • If I see that she is still not quite getting it we table the topic. Put it aside and move on.
  • Revisit the math concept later in the summer with bridge the gap books we get from BJU Press.

Our children’s brains are still growing.

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Series Navigation<< Working Through Math Struggles in Homeschool – Mini Series – Intro – 5 Days of Homeschool…Mom’s (or Dad’s) Role in Math Struggles in Homeschool – Mini Series -Day 1 – 5 Days of Homeschool… >>

One Comment

  1. Patience — oh, how that word keeps popping up!
    But, truly, it is important when working through things when a child is having difficulty. Amazing how things will begin to ‘click’ if we just relax and bestow a little grace and be willing to be patient.
    Thanks for the encouragement, Kemi 🙂

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