Monday Menu Plan for June 8, 2015

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This entry is part 61 of 112 in the series Monday-Menu Plan

Menu Plan Monday6-8

I want to say I totally changed the way I'm eating this past week but I haven't really. I've just cut out a few things and tidied up some other things. It's meant more energy and a few pounds lost (yaaayyy!!!).

In a nutshell here's what I'm doing.

  • Eating a good breakfast. Not a sugar laden one but I make sure there is a bit of protein in there for after my workout.
  • Eating something for lunch. Again with the protein. Both of these things were NOT on my radar before.
  • No seconds at dinner.
  • Dessert 2x a week ( I just can't give it up cold turkey).
  • Drink more water

Sounds simple? It is. It's been painless. I've been needing to lose some weight for some time and this little plan (which is actually from the 6 Week Pregnancy WeightLoss plan which I'll do until I move up to Supermoms) is helping me get there at a comfortable non-jarring pace.

Another great tip has been preparing my snacks in advance. I learned this tip from Emily Barnes but never actually did anything about it. Eating smaller meals means I want to be prepared instead of spending most of the day in the kitchen creating healthy tidbits. So I spent one afternoon chopping up carrots, celery, apples, and mangoes. Washing grapes and boiling eggs. My family is loving all of this too so everyone has been eating very well. This needs to be a permanent change btw.

I still haven't gotten around to filling up the freezer but that is on my summer to do list. I want to get back into an easy pattern of putting away meals for busier times. For me summer meals are easier than winter meals. Quick stir fries and salads are so much faster to prepare.

Okay now on to this week's menu…


Monday: Baked Salmon

Tuesday: Chicken Coconut Curry

Wednesday: Barbecue Chicken and Baked Beans

Thursday: L

Friday: Ground Turkey Quesadillas


What’s on your menu?

  • Find more menus to inspire you from other bloggers at Organized Junkie.
  • Read some Menu Planning articles for tips on planning your weekly menu
  • Need delicious easy recipes for your family? Simplified Dinners is your template for fresh easy recipes every day.
Series Navigation<< Still Cookin' For the Freezer : Menu Plan Monday May 25, 2015Menu Plan Monday June 15, 2015 : Focus on Healthy Snack Foods >>

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