My Soy-Free Monday – Menu Plan March 24, 2014

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This entry is part 32 of 112 in the series Monday-Menu Plan


I'm late, I'm late. I know! Sorry about that. We had a family event yesterday. All blogging was off.

Yum! Our Lime and Coconut Roasted Chicken with Jasmine Rice and Fresh Cilantro from last week was delicious. This was a recipe from eMeals. My daughter loved the rice so much she wanted some for lunch the next day!

This recipe used Thai curry paste which I cannot believe I have never tried before. Anyway they had numerous selections in my grocery store and most, if not all, were soy and gluten free. I picked up the yellow and need to find a new recipe for using it.

This week it's Spring Break and we're being pretty laid back. We started off the week by going out to dinner. Something we don't do often due to my soy allergy. It was a nice evening and we invited some extended family to enjoy the evening with us.

Take a look at this week's menu. I always like to add a special touch such as the purple sweet potatoes.

Monday: Dinner Out

Tuesday: Baked Catfish and purple sweet potatoes

Wednesday: Hamburgers

Thursday: Lentil Soup and Salmon Salad Sandwiches

Friday: Chicken Quesadillas


What’s on your menu?

  • Find more menus to inspire you from other bloggers at Organized Junkie.
  • Read some Menu Planning articles for tips on planning your weekly menu
  • Need delicious easy recipes for your family? Simplified Dinners is your template for fresh easy recipes every day.
Series Navigation<< My Monday Menu Plan March 10, 2014Monday – Menu Plan for May 19, 2014 >>

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