The Coming Week Including our Menu Plan for Monday April, 4 2016
Happy Monday! I'm trusting you all had a good weekend. In addition to church activities we spent much of the weekend out of doors.
Around the House
My onions are in the ground (yaaayyyy). And I'll be planting more spring weather veggies this week….Although it's been unseasonably warm so hopefully my veggies can handle it.
We are still, I mean STILL, painting our daughter's room. Why oh why is this taking so long? We've made a firm deadline of this week. Things keep getting in the way and we lose our painting days or have precious few minutes to get in there. We're down to the closet and the window recess area. Wish I had a paint sprayer.
Also, in the cleaning arena, I have to up my game. All this painting and renovating in the home has caused quite a mess. My husband looks at me with eager eyes assuring that I know how to get it back together in no time. I don't know…
In the School Room
School went very well last week. As a result of all her in depth studying the Sweet Peanut aced her history exam (streamers, glitter, and noisemakers).
Her science lessons have been inspiring and now she also wants a ladybug farm. Never knew there was such a thing. Oh well. We'll see where this goes. She's on a mission to do some research.
We'll be doing some school away from home this week.
At the Dining Table
Here's my weekly menu for this week.
My Weekly Menu Plan:
Monday: Baked Chicken Legs with veggies
Tuesday: Catfish
Wednesday: Hamburgers and fries
Thursday: Salmon Quiche
Friday: Quesadillas
What’s on your menu?
- Find more menus to inspire you from other bloggers at Organized Junkie.
- Read some Menu Planning articles for tips on planning your weekly menu
- Need delicious easy recipes for your family? Simplified Dinners is your template for fresh easy recipes every day.