Visiting with Homeschooling Mom Rebecca of Raventhreads
Meet Rebecca Ray of the blog Raventhreads . Rebecca is a member of the Schoolhouse Review Crew this year and has dropped by to give us a glimpse into her homeschool and home.
Kemi: Rebecca can you tell us a little bit about your children's ages and grades?
Rebecca: We homeschool four children. My oldest, Firecracker, is counting the days until his 10th birthday. Rose is eight. I school Firecracker and Rose together (except for math and english), so they’re on about a 3rd-4th grade level. I also have two preschoolers. Monkey just turned five and Owlet is three. We do blog nicknames because it makes me more comfortable as I write about them extensively without their permission!! (I totally get it)
Kemi: Rebecca what homeschooling method do you use?
Rebecca: We are very relaxed. We tend to be literature-based, with an emphasis on living books, and follow the children’s interests. Most of our structure actually comes in from the review products that we use through the TOS Review Crew. I have found that as my children get bigger and I begin to talk about homeschooling four instead of just two, that some curriculum is a real blessing to help my workload, so we’ve actually made a transition to more curriculum over the past year.
Kemi: Can you tell us what your typical homeschool day looks like?
Rebecca: I get up a couple of hours before the kids because they get up at their leisure and then play until about ten. Then, we begin our mornings with Veritas History and some history reading, followed with time with our Bibles. We attend our local Community Bible Study on Wednesdays, so the rest of the week, we have a workbook with homework assignments. Then, I usually read aloud from whatever book we’re reading together before we stop for lunch. After our lunch break, I give my children baths while the children who aren’t in the bath either work on independent projects or help me with chores around the house. Once everyone is clean and happy, we get a snack, and then right now we’re spending time on preschool skills with the little ones and math with the older kids. We have several laptops, and the math that the older children are doing is independent, unless they have a question, and online, so I have a good block of time to just focus on preschoolers then. We’re currently finishing our homeschool days with science (and if it’s still not too late in the afternoon) art.
Kemi: Rebecca we love to see where homeschooling happens. Can you give us a peek into your homeschool room?
Rebecca: We homeschool throughout the whole house. (I love that and would like to incorporate that more next year.)
Kemi: So you know that Homemaking Organized is all about homemaking or the details of home. We love to find out how others keep their homes. Can you tell us about your own homekeeping and how you manage to fit it in with homeschool?
Rebecca: If I get up early enough, I can often get laundry started and the dishwasher unloaded while I make breakfast. We delay our morning start until midmorning so that I have time to spend with my Bible and get a few things done around the house. I tend to make muffins or baked oatmeal in the mornings. My other major time to do housework is while the children are taking baths. I allow them longer mid-afternoon baths to play in while I work on dinner prep, and whatever I have on my chore list that day. I tend to use Motivated Moms to guide my chore list, and some days I get more things done than others, but I always feel like I’m moving in the right direction as long as I have a daily list of things to do.
Kemi: Do you have any crafts or hobbies that you would like to share?
Rebecca: My blog is named Raventhreads because I started blogging to write about my stitching works-in-progress so I could stay motivated on them. I still share an almost weekly update of my stitching progress.
Rebecca is a 30-something wife, mother and follower of Jesus. She enjoys cross-stitching, homeschooling her four children and spending time in the Bible and in the fellowship of other Christian women. She blogs at Raventhreads where she's trying to weave all the threads of her life together into a story. You can also find her on Facebook and Twitter where she shares snippets from her life and quotes from her favorite books.
It’s great to learn more about you, Rebecca. I’ve always wondered where the name of your blog came from. 🙂