10 Tips for An Organized Summer

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Image courtesy of Sura Nualpradid / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Summer can be a productive time, a time of renewing and refreshing or a complete waste of time depending upon how you enter into it.


  1. Do just as you have during the school year and have a routine for each day. Of course it will be different than your winter or schooltime schedule as a routine is more relaxed than an actual schedule but do map out  your days. Your mornings, afternoons, and evenings. And even your days. Maybe Wednesday is the best day for family outings. And Thursdays instead of Fridays might be comfortable for grocery shopping since you know go swimming every Thursday.
  2. Don’t pack every day of summer with non stop activities. Sure summer is a great time for vacations, concerts, fairs, picnics, movies and such but a body can take only so much before burn out. Don’t enter the school year more exhausted than when you left. Pace yourself this summer and leave plenty of time to relax and refresh..
  3. Do keep the kids on top of their school skills.  Don’t let summer go by without keeping up on math and reading skills. Reading programs and weekly math sheets are all it takes to keep your kids on their toes. Some parents even adopt a relaxed homeschool schedule during the summer.
  4. Do plan outings to local activities. Undoubtedly there will be a lot going on in your city and neighborhood for the summer. Go to what you can fit in and don’t feel bad about what you miss.
  5. Don’t let the kids ignore their chores during the summer months. Chores are a part of life. Mom doesn’t get a break from parenting and the kids should not get a break from their responsibilities in the home and to family life.
  6. Do keep cut veggies and fruits in the fridge for cool, quick, snacking. When the munchies hit it’s wonderful if you already have the fixin’s ready to go. Cut up apples, cucumbers, carrots, celery. Serve these with hummus, peanut butter, and yogurt for a health hit the spot snack.
  7. Use the summer to think out and revamp your schooltime routine. Don’t let the coming school year take you by surprise. Do sit down one enchanted evening and prepare your back to school schedules, shopping lists, and to-dos.
  8. Do sign the kids up for a summer reading program.  Pick up some great books from the library and have a quite reading time each evening. Check in with your kids each week to keep them on track.
  9. Don’t compare your summer with anyone else’s. Make it special for your family and your circumstances.
  10. Do enjoy your summer and take pictures of your summer memories.

Other summer Resources

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