Do You Have Your Homeschool Identification Badge ?
I never really thought about having a Homeschool Identification Badge until I wanted to get educational pricing on some software that we could use in school. Yayy! You can get educational pricing as a homeschooler. Boo! They needed I.D.
Well who has homeschool I.D. ? Apparently several people as there are many companies providing this nifty product. Some free and some for a small fee.
Why would you need Homeshcool Identification Badge? Well one reason as I stated above is that you can get educational pricing on software. But another is that in some states you may need to provide your child with I.D. to show that yes they are in school, homeschool, not just running around wild. So you wouldn’t want to get cited.
Eeeekk! Never fear moms and dad’s you’re taken care of.
Free Homeschool I.D.s:
Homeschool Buyer’s Co-op
You’ll need to join the co-op (free) to print out your I.D. They are very nice looking and you can have it laminated and mailed to you if you prefer for a small fee. Make a student and a teacher badge (for yourself). These include an ID number. Nice touch.
A to Z Home’s Cool Homeschooling
Free templates in MS Word and RTF. You can have her customize the cards for a small fee.
Homeschool Oasis:
This author graciously shares free templates in Word and RT. Make your own I.D.’s
For Cost Homeschool I.D.’s:
Homeschool I.D.
Homeschool I.D.‘s are what this site is all about. Very nice professional looking card. Not cheap. Student, educator, and field trip badges available. Pay for each year.
You get a few bonuses with this I.D. Pay full price for initial access then small fee to renew each year.