List of Free Chore Chart Printables Day 7!

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This entry is part 7 of 11 in the series 12 Days of Free Organizing Printables

Free Printables for Teaching Children Household Chores

I don't want to leave the children out of the equation. Day 7's line up is various Chore Chart Printables to help keep your children on track. Sometimes kids need reminders and a set plan to know what they are supposed to do around the house. Teaching Household Chores is a good thing and sets your children up for a responsible future (just one of the many things).

If you've never given your child chores before it's not too late. Hop on bored by printing off one of the following chore charts. Explain to your children how it's going to be and get going mom! This will all pay off down the road.


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Free Chore Chart Printables

Here is a list of 12 Free printables I've curated for you. I hope you enjoy.

  1. Chore Chart and What to Do Lists from Sweet Frugal Life help you kids accomplish the life skills you've been teaching them.
  2. Cute Colorful Printable Chore Charts from I Should be Mopping the Floors.
  3. You'll love this set from Joyful Homemaking. These mini Chore Kits with Lists of what to do are ingenious. I've actually been doing something similar in my own home at my daughter's request so it's nice to see a different take on what we do.
  4. Here's another set of Chore Charts that go along with mini cleaning kits. Happy and Blessed Home has created various Chore Charts for Kids.
  5. Kim at Not Consumed has create some a Chore Challenge complete with Free Printables to help you get your kids on board. This is like a little game and meant to inspire and encourage your kids to do their chores.
  6. Need a reward system? These cute Chore Bucks can be used to to inspire your kids also.
  7. Tiffany Collins Design has these cute scrapbook style Chore Charts.
  8. Delineate Your Dwelling has created a cute Chore Chart in muted tones and tips to help you use it.
  9. Along the lines of Chore Charts these Printable Reward Cards from My Frugal Adventures can help motivate your child to do what they are supposed to.
  10. These Daily and Weekly Chore Charts from Go Grow Go are so cute and made to work as a method for your kids.
  11. These nice Printable Preschool Chore Charts from Sugar Bee Crafts have a method to use them. They're designed to be cut and folded so you can see at a glance what your child has accomplished.
  12. Printable Bedtime Routines from Bits n'Giggles. One each in pink and blue.
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