Now Available: Money Making Mom Make a Difference
Crystal's new book [easyazon_link identifier=”1400206480″ locale=”US” tag=”mommybabytool-20″]Money-Making Mom: How Every Woman Can Earn More and Make a Difference[/easyazon_link] is now available on Amazon.
If you're not sure who Crystal Paine is she is the owner for the hugely popular blog Money Saving Mom and the creator of the Making Over Your Mornings eCourse.
She's now come out with a new book. This book of her heart inspires women to make money to help their families, change their lives, upgrade their circumstances and be a blessing to those around them.
Money Making Mom is a combination of real life stories, tips to put into practice, and encouraging words to help you go ahead and get started on that cottage industry you've always wanted to do.
Do you have a small business you've been wanting to try? I have my own small money making mom stories. I got my first business license with my mom while I was still in college. Back then we didn't make much money but we made a lot of connections. We learned some things and put the business on the shelf once I graduated. These days, in addition to blogging, which doesn't bring in much in money but plenty in blessings, I'm back to working with my mom and I do a bit of wholesaling on the side to meet a need and be a blessing.
What special talents do you have and how can you bless others while blessing the family finances?
You can purchase Crystal's book on Amazon[easyazon_link identifier=”1400206480″ locale=”US” tag=”mommybabytool-20″]Money-Making Mom: How Every Woman Can Earn More and Make a Difference[/easyazon_link]
- I received a free copy of this book as part of Crystal's Launch Team