Clean Your Home in Record Time

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Getting tired of the mess and want to clean your house, but it seems overwhelming? Expecting company somewhere in the next few days?

Sometimes we put off cleaning our homes because we think we don't have the energy or the time?

Luckily, it does not have to take an entire weekend or even an entire day to clean your house (woot woot!).
Here are a few tips and tricks to make the cleaning job go faster.

1. Pick a spot

Sometimes, that overwhelmed feeling begins when you look at the big picture of your messy home. Is in the kitchen? The home office? Maybe your child's bedroom is giving your grief. Whatever it is breaking up the task up into small bits that you can manage is key.

Don't look at the whole house. Don't even look at a whole room – pick a corner or an area of the room. A messy bookshelf, a pile of boxes or paper, or a cluttered corner are examples.

Start there.

The point of this is that the small area clean will help ease your mind and be done so quickly that you'll be motivated to move on and do some more.

Don't be tempted to “call it a day” after doing this small portion of your cleaning. Keep it up and move on to another section.

2. Schedule it

I call it Making an Appointment with Your Home. If you were being paid to clean your home, and you were paid more for less time, wouldn't you do a good, fast job? Schedule your housecleaning time as you would a paying job, and take it just as seriously. This will also help prevent that tendency we all have to simply wait until you have time…someday.

3. Make it fun

At least make your housecleaning time bearable by playing your favorite songs, turning on a movie or TV show in the room where you're cleaning, or playing an audiobook. The time will go by a lot faster when you have something going in the background to entertain you. Try not to be distracted by it though – if you want to clean your house in record time, you need to keep moving once you start.

4. Keep Cleaning Tools in Reach

Keep cleaning tools all together in a special bin or container, or in a particular corner of a closet or storage space. That prevents you having to go all over the house gathering up cleaning supplies before beginning. Rags, mops, sponges, a broom, vacuum cleaner, etc. should all be in one spot.

5. A place for everything

If you're in a hurry when you clean, you may not have a place for all those magazines, books, papers, and various doo dads lying around. Toss these things into baskets if possible for the time being. Baskets look nice on shelves and on top of furniture. Also consider putting items temporarily in a plastic bin or box with a note to go through them later and find a real place for them. Don't forget to follow through on this though. Otherwise, they will find their way onto the middle of the floor again!


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A Wise Woman Builds Her Home

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