6 Tips for Vegetable Gardening in Containers


You don’t need an acre of land and chickens grazing in the background to have a great vegetable garden.Many of us don’t have that kind of space and due to circumstance or choice our available greenspace for producing all our family’s needs is next to none.

But you can garden successfully in pots and containers. Right on your porch!

You see by using the right varieties, the correct soil, adequate light and water you can have a thriving garden on your back porch!

Here are 6 tips to get you started and some links to inspiring container gardening information.


  • Decide what to grow: If this is your first garden choose easy to grow vegetables such as tomatoes, zucchini, beans, and radishes.


  • Choose the varieties of these plants that will do well in containers.  If you plant some vegetables such as carrots and cucumbers choose the smaller varieties that will do well in containers. Your favorite gardening catalog will list what varieties grow well in containers and tight spaces.


  • Plan where your containers will go. Do your research. Some vegetables need more sun than others. 6 to 8 hours for vegetables such as tomatoes and cucumbers. More shade happy vegetables such as lettuce will be happier in your less sunny areas.


  • Hardy or Tender: To know when your indoor seedlings are ready to go outside determine the temperatures your plants can handle. Tomatoes are tender and need warmer soil. Carrots and onions are hardy and can handle cooler temperatures.


  • Water your plants well: If you’ve had problems in the past with letting your plants go dry try a self watering pot or some of the watering helps on the market. Or add it to your child’s chore list. You need to pay attention more often to the water level in container plants. They can dry out and overflow easier


  • By the way you can container garden in most anything. Wash your pots before using them if they held something else before. And…


Have fun!


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