Various Ways to Keep Your Homeschool Records

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This entry is part 4 of 4 in the series 5 Days of Homeschool Organization

Organizing Homeschool Records

 Today's topic is Organizing Homeschool Records.

There are various ways to go about it so don't stress. Read about the different ways some homeschooling mamas keep track…

A topic that frequently comes up in meetings, conferences, and forums that deal with homeschooling is record keeping. This is ubber important for your kiddoes as it can help them get into college and oftentimes it is a state requirement.

The importance of record keeping just cannot be ignored. It is not only legally required in many States, but also provides important milestones in our children's learning experience.  A delight-directed homeschooling
approach, for example, means that the topic of studies is far ranging and varied. Thus, it can be something of a challenge to write quarterly reports for the school district, when it is difficult  to classify your child's learning into neatly pigeonholed areas.

The Techie Homeschool Mom's Guide to Digital Homeschool Organization will help you organize all those items in a paperless way.

But record keeping is important not only for the sake of regulations. It is also an exciting way to record and document the learning process of your child.

Let's learn about how some other homeschoolers keep their records.

How other homeschoolers keep records:

  • Leah Courtney at As We Walk Along the Road  has a comprehensive list of Homeschool Planners that she has used.  Why I like this? She has used these planners and so she details what did and didn't work for her family.
  • Christa of Fairfield Corner Academy gives a review of Scholaric for keeping track of homeschool hours.  Using this format she is able to log learning hours year round. Read it here
  • Chareen at Every Bed of Roses has another detailed post on keeping homeschool records. Having graduated 2 children from homeschool and homeschooling her younger child she knows what she's talking about. Be prepared to take notes. Homeschool Records.
  • Erica at Confessions of a Homeschooler not only lays out how she keeps records but also how she stores her homeschool papers. Be inspired.

Check out this Homeschool Records Box on Currclick (yes it's ours).

More Homeschool Record Keeping Info

The Homeschool Legal Defense Agency has a great, packed, article on why keeping homeschool records is important, some different kinds of lists to keep and a big list of links to some resources to help you keep track of your child's homeschooling.

Keep on Track Homeschool Planner: So if you like beautiful planners this one is for you. Beautiful watercolor images decorate each page.  And there are homemaking pages in there too! There is also a Complete DIY Homeschool Planner edition.

Weekly Homeschool Planner: This editable PDF planner has over 100 pages of homeschool planning. Weekly, monthly, yearly planning. You get a lot in this package.

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