Homeschool Curriculum Resources
Deciding to homeschool is a big step. There is so much information out there and where do you start? If your child is just a cute toddler or preschooler you're in luck and you can stumble (or not) and learn together. Older children demand more thought and a bigger step. Here you'll find tools for organizing your homeschool. Online resources for curriculum, online support, free homeschool stuff, ideas, and more.
About Homeschooling :
This section is to kind of help you make the decision on whether or not to homeschool. Articles on the benefits (many). What the legal tidbits in your own state may be (hopefully few). How to go about getting started if you decide to homeschool. And of course plenty of encouragement.
The Benefits of Homeschooling
According to the U.S. Department of Education, it is estimated that 1.7 percent of all students participate in a home schooling program . A greater number of parents are turning to home schooling as an option for educating their children.
Homeschool State Legal Information
Find out the homeschooling laws of state you live in. (takes you to another site)
Is Home Preschool For You?
Many parents are opting for a home preschool program. There are many reasons to home school your child but it is important to follow some…
How to Get Started In Homeschooling
Home schooling has been around for centuries. The beginning of schooling actually started in the home and then moved into outside schoolhouses…
My preferred method. The lesson plans are all set out for you.
Check out Sonlight’s complete homeschool curriculum packages.
And we use BJU Press
Housekeeping AND Homeschooling
I like this article because Lynn Wilson shows how she keeps order in the home while homeschooling. (we can all use that)
Organizing Your Homeschool
This is for organizing your homeschool students and records. This is your child's schooling we're talking about so you want to have some sense of organization so you can find things. If it's the homeschool room you're worried about read Organizing Your Homeschool Classroom Space
Ultimate Homeschooling Organizer Notebook. Organize your homeschool and your home. A homeschool mom (or dad) has more than just school on the plate. You are the manager of the home and all that goes on theirin. Get it all organized in one spot.
The Schoolhouse Planner Ebook: Everything for the homeschool mom
Used Homeschool Curriculum
Used Sonlight Curriculum
Used Abeka Curriculum
Used BJU (Bob Jones) Curriculum
Used Alpha Omega LifePack Curriculum
Homeschooling Preschool/Toddlers
This part is kind of near and dear to my heart. These precious little ones are so eager to learn but we must take care not to overwhelm them. In beginning to homeschool we can get carried away and overdo it a bit. Really your everyday conversations, book reading, and activities can be such a learning tool for the young ones. Not too much bookwork please. I have an article (growing still) with some links to Pre-K programs. Some I've tried some I haven't. If you know of a good one let me know.
Free Homeschool Resources
Free curriculum for homeschoolers
Currclick's Freebies . In addition to the excellent unit studies, workbooks, timely lesson and more. Currclick has a current freebies section. It gets updated often so check back.
Free Homeschooling Notebooking Pages from Notebooking Nook
Sonlight.: A Christian Preschool through High School Curriculum. Highly recommended. Get it all in a nice complete package and find support with online message boards.This particular curriculum is so nice because you have a 100%
A Beka Book: Christian curriculum for ages nursery through 12th grade. We' ll be using this curriculum for the early years. This curriculum can be considered very advanced. Many Christian schools use it and my nephew has used it for the past 10 years. He's the reason I'm getting it! They also have DVD school.
Alpha Omega Home School Program: An Accredited Christian Distance Learning School! Virtual, Great Teachers & Incredible Support.
Homeschool Share A cooperative of free online homeschool literature based unit studies by moms for moms.
Special Helps for Homeschool
Memory Trigger – Math Term Memorization Made Easy!
Master the Upper Times Tables in Under an Hour With Times Tales!
Homeschool Planning and Preparation Books