52 Weeks of Fresh Breakfast Ideas: Juicing for Breakfast

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This entry is part 23 of 32 in the series 52 Fresh Breakfast Ideas


I'm taking the bull by the horns so to speak. I haven't been getting along with breakfast for some time and I aim to rework that this year. Join me in my quest to find 52 Fresh Breakfast Ideas that don't leave me feeling heavy or my family still hungry. We may revisit dishes you already know or find some new favorites but my goal for 2014 is a new appreciation for breakfast.


This past Mother's Day my lovely family blessed me with a new[simpleazon-link asin=”B003R28HWQ” locale=”us”]Breville Juicer[/simpleazon-link].

I had been using a 25 year old Panasonic Juicer my father bought for me when I was 16 years old and we thought maybe we would like an upgrade.

Juicing has become really (I mean really) popular due a lot to documentaries like  Fat, Sick, & Nearly Dead. We watched this documentary ourselves over a year ago and it got us to dust off the old juicer and attempt to add some healthy habits to our home. In Fat, Sick, & Nearly Dead”  film maker, Joe Cross films his story about juicing while traveling cross-country in America.  Along the way he meets a trucker who he helps get healthy and lose weight through juicing fruits and veggies.  The transformation is dramatic and the results nothing but awe inspiring. It inspired us. Yes we veered off when the demands of home life took over but with a new, easier to clean, juicer I'm hoping to make it a daily habit.

I've been running hither and yon these last few weeks and noticing how run down my body can get when I don't pay attention to nutrition and vitamins. The warm weather also means a heavier work load for my husband. Juicing is one of those quick breakfasts I like to have to make sure I'm getting some good nutrition when I don't have time to sit down to something more.

I like juicing because you can be so versatile with it and try so many things. There are recipes for other times of the day too. Not just breakfast.

At first my daughter stuck her nose up at the bright green offering mommy was handing her with a smile. But these days she drinks green juice right along with us and asks for more.

More Juicing Stuff

Healthy Breakfast Juice Blends

Joe Cross's 3 Day Juice Boot

Watch Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead Free on Hulu



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