Why to Consider Omega 3 Supplements for Kids

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We have learned so much about the body and how to keep it healthy in the 21st Century it’s almost overwhelming. Back when our daughter was discharged from the hospital as a baby we were given a bottle of multivitamins to administer to her at home. I wanted hoot for joy! The doctors and nurses knew how important those extra vitamins were for her extra teeny body! And she still takes vitamins today.

14 years have passed and I’m still learning and discovering more about the way vitamins can help our bodies but my daughter’s growing one in particular.

Recently she had check up at the naturopath where she was prescribed Omega 3 fatty acid supplements along with a few other things, to aid her digestion and help to resolve some skin issues. I was like “hmmm” never really thought about Omega 3’s helping in such a way but I’ll go for it. About 2 weeks later and her skin was recovering remarkably! Acne was clearing and her tone was evening out. The rashes/hives, whatever were disappearing! Was it the Omega 3 supplements?

Kids Smart High DHA Fish Oil Chewable Burstlets Blog Review

What are Omega 3 Fatty Acids?

Omega 3 fatty acids are essential oils that your body uses but cannot make. They have several health benefits and people usually get these fatty acids from their diet. But you might miss them if you’re not eating the right foods. Omega 3’s can be found in fish, some seeds and some nuts.

There are three types of Omega 3’s

  • ALA – most common
  • EPA – found in animal products and can be converted to DHA
  • DHA – this is the most important Omega 3 Fatty Acid and essential for brain health and eye health

You may have heard the term DHA when it comes to feeding babies. More manufacturers are adding this essential fatty acid to things like baby formula or foods that children consume.

Some of the Health Benefits of Omega 3s

Studies show that Omega 3 Essential Fatty Acids can help…

  • Reduce your chances of a heart attack or stroke
  • Reduce chances of abnormal heart rhythm and sudden cardiac death
  • Help to lower your blood pressure
  • Improve your eye health
  • Help to fight depression and anxiety

How are Omega 3’s good for Kids?

Studies of Omega 3 fatty acids have found them to be beneficial for childrens’ brain health, to help improve sleep quality, reduce the symptoms of ADHD and even asthma!

Where can you find Omega 3’s

Kids Smart Omeag 3 Fish Oil Jar

Omega 3s are found in various foods such as fish (a good reason you should make fish a regular part of your diet), sunflower seeds, walnuts, flax seeds, chia seeds, and unfortunately soy products (I’m allergic).

And in the supplement Kids Smart High DHA Fish Oil Chewable Burstlets. We received Kids Smart High DHA Fish Oil Chewable Burstlets to sample from #Momsmeet.

Kids Smart High DHA Fish Oil Chewable Burstlets are make just for kids (like the name says) and the fish oil comes in these cute little fish shapes that you can twist the tail off and take the supplement.

The little fish themselves are edible as well and come in three flavors. Black Current, Strawberry, and Orange.

The burstlets are Gluten Free and contain up to ten times more fish oil and than other kids brands and up to thirteen more times DHA than other kids brands. All with no fishy flavor! (my daughter can attest to that).

Each little berry capsule contains 3x more fish oil than other comparable Omega 3 Supplements on the market.

Kids Smart Omega 3 Burstlets up close.

It takes about 6 weeks to see the benefits of Omega 3’s but I believe with all the other changes my daughter’s skin was noticeably changed (for the better) in a couple of weeks).

I thought my daughter, at 14, would be a little too old for these but she loves taking this little supplement every day.

Allergy information: Helping all my allergy mommas out there Kids Smart High DHA Fish Oil is free from eggs and gluten but does contain soy, fish, and corn.

You can buy Kids Smart High DHA Fish Oil Chewable Burstlets on Amazon. Use code: 20MM20KS for 20% Off (ends March 14, 2020).

I received this product for free from MomsMeet to use and post my honest opinions. Compensation for this post was provided and this page may contain affiliate links.

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