Menu Plan Monday July, 20, 2015

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This entry is part 67 of 112 in the series Monday-Menu Plan


Happy Monday! I’ve been really busy this weekend with church and family and did not blog at all! I wonder if that makes me a flop in the July Blogging Challenge?

By the way today is Food Day in the July Blogging Challenge (yaaay). And we’re supposed to talk about our favorite foods.

I love food so I don’t know if I can even narrow it down to a favorite but I’ll try for a few….

Fruit – Apples – I love apples and have specific varieties that I enjoy best (Ambrosia).

Meat – Duck – I love duck meat but it is kind of fatty. Chicken comes in a close second.

Veggie – I love Onions because they are so versatile and can add so much to savory dishes. I try to grow as many as possible and I’m kicking myself for only growing a few this past year.

Starch – Bread. Love bread. Challah is pretty up there as are croissants and French Bread.

Dessert – Chocolate. Something fancy from a French bakery with many layers and a variety of textures.

So these are few of my favorite foods (sing along)…

This past weekend we served a delicious (if I do say so myself) lamb dish to our guests. Since we went peach picking last week I made a Peach Sauce to go with it. Meanwhile my husband made a sauce based on apple juice and the lamb drippings.

We serve it all with coucous a garden veggie blends and a salad from the garden (pictured above). It was delicious! (oh I said that alread).

What surprised me was that the raves all came from the garden salad. It was simple lettuce, garden yellow tomatoes, one (yes one) cucumber sliced and diced thinly and parmesan cheese. It was good but our guests thought it was so good they took leftovers home! Wow! I’ve never had a salad go over that good. The tomatoes are some little yellow ones. I have to go read the name.

This week will be low key with a lot of produce from the garden. Our herbs are growing in nicely so we’ve been using them in many dishes. I didn’t get around to making my bean dish last week so that’s back on the menu for this week.

Here’s this week’s menu….


Monday: Baked Salmon

Tuesday: Chicken and Cabbage Stir Fry (42 Simple and Healthy Dinners)

Wednesday: Korean Tacos

Thursday: Black Eyed Pea Soup (Everything Beans eCookBook )

Friday: Ground Turkey Quesadillas


What’s on your menu?

  • Find more menus to inspire you from other bloggers at Organized Junkie.
  • Read some Menu Planning articles for tips on planning your weekly menu
  • Need delicious easy recipes for your family? Simplified Dinners is your template for fresh easy recipes every day.

Join the July Blogging Challenge at This Day Has Great Potential

July Blogging Challenge

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