Records in the Household – Part 2 – A Pretty Housekeeping Card File

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This entry is part 2 of 3 in the series Records in the Household

We've been working on putting together a housekeeping card file.

Today we're going to talk about what actually goes in a card file.

About the Housekeeping Card File System:

You may have heard about card file way of setting up your housekeeping cleaning system from the Sidetracked Home Executives.  I first read about this way of keeping house in an old Emilie Barnes book . And then later I read the SideTracked Home Executives version.


So, yes, while I could make up a  Homekeeping Card File in a day with the plain white index cards I have on hand, and the nondescript plastic index card box I already have….


This is something that needs to have certain aspects to motivate me.  It will need to be cute and appeal to me to make me want to open it each day.

To give you an idea of how pretty a Housekeeping Card file can be I'm going to leave you with some examples of some well put together Housekeeping files.

Sherbert Blossom's  chore system but isn't this cute?
Sherbert Blossom's chore system but isn't this cute?
Again here is Travis' cute rendition for sale on her blog Spring Clean Year Round. If you can't fathom putting your own together please support a mom and buy one. They are worth the cost.Frantically Simple made this chore box for herself and for her daughter Newt.
Again here is Travis' cute rendition for sale on her blog Spring Clean Year Round. If you can't fathom putting your own together please support a mom and buy one. They are worth the cost.Frantically Simple made this chore box for herself and for her daughter Newt.
Controlling My Chaos made these cute boxes after hosting a giveaway.
Controlling My Chaos made these cute boxes after hosting a giveaway.
BackFlipFlops Cute Housekeeping File
BackFlipFlops Cute Housekeeping File
Apron Girls made this cute chore organizer. BTW I think the blog is closed but left up for reference.
Apron Girls made this cute chore organizer. BTW I think the blog is closed but left up for reference.
Rebo Scraps made this cute chore organizer for her sister. Oh were are the templates???!!!!
Rebo Scraps made this cute chore organizer for her sister. Oh were are the templates???!!!!


Ready to jump on making your own?



  • 1 3×5 index card box
  • 7 tabbed dividers
  • index cards of various colors


1) First label all of your dividers as follows

  • Daily
  • Weekly
  • Monthly
  • Quarterly
  • Twice Per Annum  (or year)
  • Annual
  • Storage

2) Next go to your first section, Daily. Make an index card for every housekeeping thing you need to do on a daily basis .

3) Go to your weekly section and make an index card for each day of the week.  On those cards put the items that need to be done on that day. For example on Mondays I clean the household bathrooms (why, oh why?). Wednesday and Friday are errand days. Keep it simple. You can always make more cards as you find if the system will work for you.

4) In your monthly section label an index card for each month and then on that card put the items needed to do for the month.

5) Repeat the same process in the Quarterly, Twice per Year, and Annual sections. Write up what you will need to do during those times. For example changing furnace filters, or preparing for the garden are seasonal items you can fit in here.

6) The Storage section comes into play with labeled boxes. After decluttering Emilie advises you to pick up what she calls “Perfect Boxes” and use them for your storage. Label the boxes 1 through how ever many you have. Then make an index card for each box. Put the name on the top of the card. You know, “Box 1” etc. Now list what you have stored in each box and and where the box is located. Now when you need something you’ll know where to look.

We'll talk more next time…

Series Navigation<< Records in the Household – A Vintage Idea A Homekeeping Card FileRecords in the Household – Part 3 – The Box Itself >>

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