Trying Out a Recipe for Homemade Tooth Powder

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It’s one thing that has been on my to-try list for some time.

Homemade Toothpowder

This past year I have been learning so many more things about living a healthier lifestyle.

Truthfully I thought I had it down pat. I was/am pretty healthy. No medications, eat fairly well, get some exercise, sleep well and take my vitamins.

I have some small soreness has cropped up in my shoulders and arms this year but, meh, I attributed that to moving a home.

But I also turned another year older this year and I’m also learning quite quickly that the body, if not kept in optimal shape, can deteriorate quite quickly.

It’s more about eating veggies and getting in a good workout. I need to pay attention to everything I put in and on my body. What I surround myself with and more!

What worked last year may not work this year. Keeping in tune is important!

My teeth are something I value greatly. I’m not saying that they’re perfect specimens to be admired by all but my family visits the dentist religiously each year, we waterpik, floss, and brush several times a day. We do our best to take care of these valuable tools God has given us.

But none of that has stopped me from having sensitive teeth. Something that has not gotten better through the years even with using Sensodyne which costs a pretty penny.

In addition to the sensitivity year round each Autumn my teeth become even more sensitive when my sinuses get irritated. Something else that needs to be dealt with.

Not good, not comfortable.

So I got kind of excited reading an article over at WellnessMama that made me want to give Homemade Natural Toothpowder a try.

I was introduced to WellnessMama by one of my best friends. She’s a very healthy specimen and once said she had no need to write a blog because WellnessMama had done it so well. Seems they’re on the same page when it comes to a healthy lifestyle (they kind of look alike too).

Katie, over at WellnessMama listed quite a few things she started to based on her readings to strengthen her tooth enamel and I liked what she had to say.

The main thing that stood out to me is when Katie said her teeth were no longer sensitive to cold! Woo hoo!

So I followed Katie’s links to read up on some of the information.

I also ran the information past my sister, who is the family encyclopedia and a closet scientist. I always think she should have become a scientist instead of an engineer but that’s another story.

She’s been touting the benefits of [simpleazon-link asin=”B001DJ6J5W” locale=”us”]Bentonite Clay[/simpleazon-link] for a couple of years now.

So we’re a week into using what my husband calls Gunpowder Paste. We’re giving it 30 days to see how it goes. I’m also going to try and implement some of the other enamel building items into our diet but for now I’ve started with the toothpowder.

I had most of the ingredients at home but had to order some [simpleazon-link asin=”B001DJ6J5W” locale=”us”]Bentonite Clay[/simpleazon-link] , the main component.


My verdict?

It’s surprisingly effective. The peppermint makes it very refreshing.

I also have some of the Orawellness Healthy Mouth Blend (gleaned from the previous Ultimate Healthy Living Bundle) so I brush with that in the evenings following the regular brush.

Immediately, after our first brushing, we all said our teeth felt cleaner! That was kind of surprising. I really did not expect that. After complaining that it wasn’t white and creamy like our usual toothpastes we’re all kind of preferring the Homemade Tooth Powder.  My daughter who initially stuck her nose up while I was mixing it up is now using it exclusively and seems to be brushing a bitter better because of it (finally!).

So the verdict is still out on whether my teeth become less sensitive but I’ll be sure to let you know if they do.

You can find the free recipe over at WellnessMama. And here’s my version with a few tweaks…


  • 4 Tablespoons Bentonite Clay
  • 3 Tablespoons Calm Plus have to get some more
  • 1 Tablespoons Coral Calcium Powder for good measure
  • 1 Tablespoon Baking Soda optional
  • Peppermint Essential oil about 10 drops
  • 1 tablespoon Cinnamon
  • 1 Tablespoon Powdered Xylitol


  1. Mix all the powders together and then add Peppermint Essential Oil and mix in well.



The New Year is the perfect time to make some healthy changes in your life.

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Living Frugally

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