How to Build a Strong Christian Home by June Fuentes an eBook Review

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I’m just wrapping up reading the wonderful new book How to Build a Strong Christian Home by June Fuentes of  A Wise Woman Builds Her Home.

I’ve been reading Mrs. Fuente’s blog for many years and I was excited to be able to read and review her new book. In reading her blog I note that June does not pull any punches when it comes to a woman’s role in her family. As a successful blogger Mrs. Fuentes has proven that even though she follows traditional roles and values for her Christian family they have not held her back from achieving her own dreams.


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Young Mother Sewing, 1900



About the Book

How to Build a Strong Christian Home is a 90 page ebook on the Christian family life. There are 14 chapters each dedicated to a different aspect of home life.

How to Build a Strong Christian Home is like a workbook and could easily be used in a women’s group. At the end of each Chapter. Mrs. Fuentes introduces few challenge questions designed to help you think critically about your own home and ways in which it might be improved (if need be).

How did I like it?

The advice and tips given in How to Build a Strong Christian Home came at a good time for me. Before reading the book I was sure all of these tips had been said before. Be nice to your children. Love your husband. Keep a clean house. But I was wrong. As great a mom and wife as I may think I am How to Build a Strong Christian Home convicted me in some areas where I surely could do better. Instead of making me feel bad How to Build a Strong Christian Home reminded me of the important glue I am to the family and family home. To not take my role lightly and be to encouraged by your work in the home.

My favorite chapter is The Exquisite Home Culture. The atmosphere of our homes.

Mothers hold the brush in painting the beauty, fun, and memories in children’s lives.~Mrs. June Fuentes

That hit home for me and made me more aware of the atmosphere in my own home. Sure I try to keep it lovely and clean, even in the midst of packing boxes. But what do I do for the atmosphere of my home? Is it a comforting place where one can take a deep sigh of relief when the come home to the nestling comforts of home?  Am I scheduling my work time effectively so that it doesn’t interfere with family time? Do I really appreciate all my husband does selflessly to support our little family?

It made me think.

My daughter looks forward to the pattern of our days. She likes to prepare for things in advance because she takes comfort in knowing what comes next. “Mommy can I help you with dinner?”, “Daddy should be home soon let’s straighten up for him.” She’s a sweetheart and loves to help create an inviting home for her father.

In the evenings I can make two choices. Go hide out in my office and surf or work OR spend quality time with my family. I can make it part of our evening pattern read quietly together, share a game, play some music. Just be together.

How to Build a Strong Christian Home is both a reminder and a guide book for the Christian wife and mother on what her actions can do to build up and tear down, if she’s not careful, her home. Our home life can give us a glimpse of what life will be like in heaven if we just take the small steps to care for and nourish our home life.

“Peace and rest at length have come
All the day’s long toil is past,
And each heart is whispering, Home,
Home at last.”
―Thomas Hood


So how about it? Could your home life use some touching up?

 Want to know more?

Read a Sample

See the Table of Contents

Purchase your own copy for only $4.99 here.


Buy the Book: How to Build a Strong Christian Home


Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from  A Wise Woman Builds Her Home. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”



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