Silenced by Dani Pettrey Book Review and Giveaway {CLOSED}

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Need a good suspense novel that’s clean?…

silenced3dAbout the Book:

A relaxing day of rock climbing takes a disturbing turn when Kayden McKenna’s route leads her to a face-to-face encounter with a dead climber. Is it a terrible accident or something sinister? When the case is handed to the overburdened sheriff, he turns to Jake Westin. With Jake’s past now revealed, he’s ready to use his talent for investigation again-–but he could never prepare for where the case will take him.

Kayden and Jake soon realize that the death was no accident. And worse, it seems the killer is on to them. When strange things begin happening in Yancey, Jake is terrified that once again his world may put someone he loves in danger.

But the truth is far worse than either of them imagine.



My Review: It’s been a long time since I’ve read a contemporary Christian Suspense book. I think I’ve been missing out. Dani Pettrey delivers another edge of my seat read.

Silenced took a few pages for me to get into. Not because it wasn’t good but because I had to familiarize myself with the characters again and I’ve missed a novel in the series (no worries I’m going back for that one). So let this be a warning to you and go read them in order. It’s worth it! I felt like I was catching up a bit to place everyone and I’ve actually gone back and re-read book two. I do think this is one where you’re going to want to read the books in succession. You CAN read this as a stand alone but I think it’s much better if you know where everyone is coming from and understand their personalities. You won’t be disappointed either. Just more juicy reading.

This story was definitely suspenseful. Because I waited so long between books I had forgotten that all along you’re given clues as to who might be the culprit. You may not actually know them as a character yet but they will have been introduced by name earlyish (I know not a word) on.

So was it good? Yeah! Each character in Silenced was well written. Dani let’s you know what is going on in the head of each of the main characters and she also gives little updates about previous characters (so appreciate that). The end is where things come to a head and it’s where you don’t want to stop turning pages.

The Christian aspect of Silenced was part of the storylines. The bulk of the main characters in the ….series are Christians. Some are coming back after falling away. There is a lot of soul searching among characters. And coming to grips with why bad things happen to Christians (God doesn’t promise an easy stress free life. He promises to carry you through.)

If you like Christian Suspense fiction you will love this book!

Want to read a copy? Check out this excerpt of Silenced here

Ready to buy the book? [simpleazon-link asin=”0764211951″ locale=”us”]Silenced (Alaskan Courage)[/simpleazon-link]

Oh wait! You can win a copy by Entering my Giveaway below!


 The Rules

  • No purchase is necessary.
  • Odds of winning are based on number of entries
  • Starts 5/22/2014 and ends 5/29/2014 (at 11:59pm).
  • US residents, 18 and older
  • I will email the winner the day after the giveaway ends. Please respond in 48 hours or it will go to the next pick.
  • I will also need your name and mailing address for this so if you’re not comfortable with me or Bethany House having that please don’t enter.



a Rafflecopter giveaway


Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Bethany House Publishers. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”


  1. I have not read any of the Alaskan Courage series. The bool sounds like I would have a hard time putting it down.

  2. I have not read any in the series but I would love to. Thanks for the awesome giveaway! kristiedonelson(at)gmail(dot)com Thank you.

  3. I LOVE Dani’s Alaskan books. She’s such a sweet author, always responding to her fans!!!

  4. Kemi, thanks for such a great review, and for hosting this giveaway! I agree- I love Dani’s way of keeping us up to speed by both immersing us in the main characters’ heads, and providing those interactions with past characters as well. Such a treat! Thanks for being awesome, Kemi! ~Amanda

  5. I have read the first one. Can’t wait to get my hands on a copy of this one:) Thanks for the giveaway!

  6. Kemi,
    What a fantastic review. Thank you so much for sharing your insights, and for your awesome help and support in spreading the word about Dani’s wonderful story. You rock!
    Cheering you on,

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