The Beautiful Pretender by Melanie Dickerson a Litfuse Book Review

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Beautiful_PretenderAbout the Book:

What happens when a margrave realizes he’s fallen in love with a servant?

The Margrave of Thornbeck has to find a bride, fast. He invites ten noble-born ladies from around the country to be his guests at Thornbeck Castle for two weeks, a time to test these ladies and reveal their true character.

Avelina is only responsible for two things: making sure her deception goes undetected and avoiding being selected as the margrave’s bride. Since the latter seems unlikely, she concentrates on not getting caught. No one must know she is merely a maidservant, sent by the Earl of Plimmwald to stand in for his daughter, Dorothea.

Despite Avelina’s best attempts at diverting attention from herself, the margrave has taken notice. And try as she might, she can’t deny her own growing feelings. But something else is afoot in the castle. Something sinister that could have far worse—far deadlier—consequences. Will Avelina be able to stop the evil plot? And at what cost?

My Review: I love reading Melanie’s retelling of famous fairy tales. Usually I can pick out just which fairy tale her story is based on but I couldn’t quite place this one. That didn’t make it any less interesting.

The protagonist, Avelina, is a humble servant who wants nothing more than to take care of her family. She doesn’t mean to fall for the Margrave but as she falls for him he falls for her (you can just tell).

I liked Avelina. She was determined, humble, and tried to do what was right. She only wanted to help her family and got sucked along on an adventure she didn’t ask for. Her beautiful spirit is noticed by the Margave and her fellow competitors for his hand. Some who befriend her and some who aim to do her in.

We don’t really get to know the Margrave and his full background until the story more than half done. You can tell he’s been hurt emotionally and from such has built up a wall. I actually would have liked to have delved into his story and his brother’s a bit more but that’s my only small complaint.

In this book we’re also reacquainted to some former characters from a previous novel of Ms. Dickersons.

This was a happily every after read set in the medieval times. It’s got action. A gruff hero. And beautifully costumes (you can tell from the descriptions).Perfect for romantics that love historical inspirational fiction.

You can purchase a copy here =>[easyazon_link identifier=”0718026284″ locale=”US” tag=”mommybabytool-20″]The Beautiful Pretender[/easyazon_link]

Read more reviews of The Beautiful Pretender (click here)

Melanie-DickersonAbout the Author:

Melanie Dickerson is the author of “The Healer’s Apprentice,” a Christy Award finalist and winner of the National Reader’s Choice Award for Best First Book. Melanie earned a bachelor’s degree in special education from the University of Alabama and has been a teacher and a missionary. She lives with her husband and two daughters in Huntsville, Alabama.

Find out more about Melanie at


Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from The Litfuse Group as part of their Blogger Review program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”



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