31 Days to Clean : Day 3 The Pantry
Yay! It’s Day 3 of Sarah Mae’s walk through her book 31 Days to Clean. Today we were in the pantry and if you remember I did the cleaning and organizing there last week.
So I took a break from the physical aspect of Sarah Mae’s challenge today.
There is still plenty to do for your spiritual house so be sure to read Day 3.
Now on to the pantry.
I love a clean and organized pantry. People say the kitchen is the heart of the home and the heart of my kitchen is my pantry. If it’s out of whack so are my meals.
I love Emilie Barnes tips for a cute pantry on a budget. You can find these tips and more in her book [simpleazon-link asin=”1565072332″ locale=”us”]More Hours in My Day[/simpleazon-link]. It’s an Old Fashioned style book but I think still applicable today. I’ve paraphrased the tips.
- Not all of us have a pantry. You may be using a cupboard.
- Keep only food items and things for cooking in your pantry.
- You can use cute plastic bins to keep onions and potatoes (can be found at the Dollar Store)
- Label shelves with tape labels (on my to-do list)
- A DIY tip from Emilie is to attach wooded dowels to the shelf so that canned goods can slide in.
- Get a shoebox and cover it with paper to hold small packages of gravies, spices, mixes.
- Put everything you can in jars; popcorn, cookies, sugar, flour, crackers, etc. Use empty jars from foods that you’ve used. Don’t spend for matchy matchy.
- Put like items together.
Here are some tips and articles for a clean and organized pantry and also my recent pantry cleaning update.
How to Eat from Your Pantry (guest post)