Bountiful Homemaking and Homeschooling Monthly Link Up

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This entry is part 1 of 2 in the series Bountiful Homemaking and Homeschooling Monthly Link Up


Welcome to the first posting of the Bountiful Homemaking and Homeschooling Monthly Printables Link-Up where we share a blessing or two that happened in these areas in the past month.
Big or small, it doesn’t matter. You never know when something you share may inspire or encourage someone else.

Bountiful Def.

Every month my friend Melanie at Finchwren and I will be sharing the abundant blessings that God is providing. Maybe it’s meeting a need just in the nick of time. Protection from trouble. But God is real, does care, and does some amazing things!


Lately in our home we’ve been implementing a daily Practice of Contentment or being thankful for what we have.

When you have kids you often have the talk with them about how blessed they are but how often does it sink in?

When I was my daughter’s age my mother was raising my sister and I as a single parent. She worked hard to provide for us. We shopped at second hand stores and she really stretched the budget to provide good meals.

Some might hear that story and think oh gosh we must have had a hard childhood. But au contraire.

My mother is a Christian and prayed for us daily.  Still does. As a result our childhood was very blessed. We may have been poor monetarily but we had a lot. So much so that when I think back to all the things we were able to accomplish and enjoy living on so little it’s true and I can’t deny it. We were blessed.

And we’re still blessed.

Blessings aren’t about being rich and having the latest.

I want my daughter to be thankful for things big and small. Nothing is perfect and there will be days when things goes wrong. But as Fonzi once said, “It’s always darkest before the dawn.” Haha! I had to say that.

Really I just want her to see that blessings come in all sizes. Some so tiny they might skip our notice. Some so big they can’t be anything but miracles.

So I made a Daily Blessings sheet that my daughter and I fill out every day. This has put a smile on her face. And I’m sharing it with you too!

Each day at the beginning or the end of school we sit down (or stand) and list 7 things we count as blessings for the day.

The first day the blessings were the obvious of course. A secure place to live, daddy’s job, great friends, fabulous food (my daughter is a foodie), such and such a toy.

Then my daughter begins to notice the beauty in every day. The blessing of a warm sunny day (we get lots of rain) in the middle of winter so she can play outside with her friends. The blessing of daddy coming home early that day. The blessing of a yummy new dish mommy is trying out (she’s a foodie remember). The blessing of new book to read showing up in the mail. The blessing of grandpa calling to chat. The blessing of getting that math problem. The list is endless and can go on and on.

This daily practice encourages me also. Especially in light of the daily news. I have much to be thankful for.

I’ve uploaded this printable and you can access by clicking the image or the button below.



Link Up Time

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