Dejunk Your Junk Drawer
Every home has one. A junk drawer.
Most of the time these receptacles of all that is unknown are located in the kitchen.
A drawer at the end of cabinet space just perfect for throwing all manner of odds and ends into.
And throw we do!
Chances are you also use your junk drawer to hold important items too. Spare keys, tape, batteries, cell phone chargers. You might have some pretty important items in that junk drawer that it would benefit you to keep track of.
Cleaning Your Junk Drawer
So first of all jot a note in your schedule to make time to clean out the junk drawer.
You don't need all day or even a few hours (unless your junk drawer is really a junk closet). About fifteen minutes to half an hour is all it takes to get a junk drawer in order.
The day or weekend before you've made plans to attack your junk drawer visit your local dollar store and pick up a few [easyazon_link identifier=”B00WDNY8V4″ locale=”US” tag=”mommybabytool-20″]shallow small bins[/easyazon_link] that can fit into your drawer. To keep from getting the wrong size measure your drawers before hand and be sure and take your tape measure with you too when shopping.
Take a visual stock of your junk drawer and decide what kinds of categories you would like to have. Pens? Batteries? Tape? Candles? Notepads? etc.
Once you get home with your new little bins remove everything from your junk drawer.
Lay it out on the counter in front of you. Get a damp rag or a treated dust cloth and wipe out that junk drawer. If you've been just throwing things into it chances are it could be pretty dusty in there.
Once your drawer is all cleaned out lay out your new bins in there. They don't have to completely fill the junk drawer. Just provide a base for keeping things orderly.
Now categorize your items. Throw out whatever needs to be thrown out. Arrange the rest of your belongings in the little bins.
Pat yourself on the back and show all your family members the great thing you accomplished. Put a little sign on the front that reads “Keep this junk drawer neat!”
More Kitchen Drawer and Cupboard cleanliness.
Tools to Help you Organized Your Junk Drawer
- A Compartment Tray for Your Junk Drawer. Having miscellaneous items in little compartments of the tray will save you time and frustration when you go searching.
- Use an egg carton for a low cost compartment tray.
- Use plastic baggies for another low cost option to organize your junk drawer.
I have one drawer which is officially a Junk Drawer with all kinds of little things that have no real place in my home. However on second thoughts there are more than just the one in my home. After the 7 Days to a Clean Home,series helped me spruce up around here quite a bit,, I think it is now time to give each of my junk drawers a real job description!???
I have recently cleaned out my junk drawer and am now moving onto other nooks and crannies in my place. I am really trying to live simpler — too much stuff