Getting into the Habit of Serving a Healthy Breakfast

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It’s no secret that I’m not a breakfast person.

Meaning I don’t really like to take the time to eat it. I sometimes don’t even get around to it until noon. I know it’s good for you and can give you a really good start to the day but eating something substantial in the morning makes me gag….sometimes.

My daughter on the other hand is a total breakfast person. She loves breakfast and eats like a queen or a princess when it comes to that daytime meal. She loves a big breakfast and will sit around and discuss what to eat with her father for endless hours.  She’s also a great guinea pig for her grandmother who also loves breakfast. They love to indulge together. Here is a recent picture of a breakfast she made for herself…

Banana, Grapes, Apple, Homemade Yogurt, Homemade Cinnamon Bread
Breakfast of a Champion: Banana, Grapes, Apple, Homemade Yogurt, Homemade Cinnamon Bread

Obviously my daughter loves her fruit and eats quite a bit of it. Luckily my grocery shopping place sells bushel boxes of apples for $5 otherwise I would go broke trying to accommodate her habit. I’m thankful though she has a very healthy appetite meaning she loves to eat healthy foods. And thankfully she is not picky at all. I don’t know how we lucked out. This is especially true after a recent chapter in our science curriculum which taught her the basics of calories and figuring out how many she is eating.

But back to the gist of this post. This is about breakfast and my goal to feed my family a hearty healthy one which is for some reason one of the hardest things I do (go figure).

Mom just has to get it together.

Here are some things I do to try and get it together in the breakfast department.

1.) Make breakfast foods in advance: Last year I started, and peetered out on my 52 Weeks of Fresh Breakfast ideas. This series did help me a little but I still had some work to do. While doing that series I realized that making things in advance would mean that my family was well taken care of while I sulked about breakfast in a corner. Some of my favorite dishes to do in advance?

  • Mini Breakfast Quiches
  • Breakfast muffins (usually made with leftover sweet potatoes)
  • Breakfast Breads
  • Fruit salads

2.) Think outside the breakfast box: Another thing that I discovered doing my abruptly stopped breakfast series was that breakfast doesn’t always have to mean eggs and bacon or a bowl of cereal. Especially when you look at what breakfast means around the world you see that many different things mean breakfast to many different people. Sometimes I want some fish for breakfast and my family is always game for that. Or even a bowl of noodles with veggies. This often means our leftovers can be eaten up at breakfast time too.

3.) Get the Kids Involved: My daughter is deep into taking a kid’s cooking course (more on that in 2016) right now and learning to make some of her own dishes is my end goal.  This helps greatly when she’s hungry. She can pull together a simple breakfast when I simply don’t have anything else.

Since taking the Make Over Your Mornings eCourse from Crystal over at my daughter and I (the main sleep late culprits) have been working on getting up earlier and getting more done.

Some benefits have been… Homeschool is done sooner. We have time for piano lessons and cooking lessons. We get out of the house to take advantage of the daylight.

Make Over Your Mornings eCourse now on sale.

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