Homeschooling Outside of the Home – Educational Field Trips

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Get going and do some field trips in your homeschool - Homemaking Organized
This entry is part 4 of 5 in the series 5 Days of More Than Just Homeschool

Get going and do some field trips in your homeschool - Homemaking Organized


We love homeschooling for being able to be at home and learn in comfort but it’s also exciting to take school on the good and learn from hands-on experiences.

I’m sure you already know that education is not just about sitting in front of books and reading about the world and how it works. You truly learn when you get the opportunity to see the world first-hand, and to learn up close about things.

Note: Before you start reading this list think logically about your means. If money is an issue (and it usually is) think about low cost alternatives, bringing your own food, and spacing your adventures out instead of trying to fit one in every week.

Where to Go

When you are planning a homeschooling field trip, the first thing you need to do is to choose where to go.  A nice plan is to go to a place that is in line with a particular subject you are studying. Take a chance to explore it further.

Poll your friends and find out if you have a friend who works in an interesting field that can give you connections to a location you may otherwise not have access to. This is a great way to take a break from the usual school routine.

Who to Go With

We love to take our field trips with friends. And if they’re not available then we try and do it on a day my husband has off so we can go together as a family. How do you like to take your field trips? Does your child learn best when alone, and only with their siblings? Or maybe you all are sociable like us and like to take your field trips with friends. So get out the invites!

How to Prepare

Before you go, remember this is supposed to be educational (besides fun) so do some prep work.  Do a quick study on the place and subject of your visit. Pull together any materials you plan to take with you on your field trip, and make copies for anyone else who is going.

Keep a Record

Before your field trip, let your child know how you expect them to record their experiences. Recording an experience can help your child to remember what they saw and retain more details. You can choose from a variety of ways, such as making written notes or drawing pictures. We reviewed this great Field Trip Record Book a couple of years ago. You can turn also field trip into a scavenger hunt for the children in order to make it even more exciting, with a list of pictures or items to check off when found.

How to Review

After your field trip review where you’ve been and what you’ve done. You’ve made those memories so be sure and relive them. Ask your child questions and help them to remember both the obvious and the not so obvious details. Reviewing what was learned on your field trip will help your child to remember what he or she experienced even into further the future than they normally would.

Field trips are a fun and exciting way to promote learning and bring new experiences to your homeschool. Seek out a variety of places that would be a good fit for you and your children to see. It doesn’t always have to be a zoo or a museum either. Go see some chocolate being made, or an artist’s studio.  What’s it like to catch the bus? Or call your local fire station and ask about visiting hours. It will be a welcome break from your normal routine, while expanding their world.

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