A Clean and Organized Kitchen


A great room to start organizing and getting cleaned up is the kitchen. This room sees action every day, several times a day and can sometimes even greet people first entering your home. Help it put on it’s best show!

Let’s Get the Kitchen Organized!

Everyone works differently in the kitchen but organizing the kitchen to work best for the main cook and then setting up solutions for all others works best in most household.

  • Start organizing your kitchen by type. Put like items together. Pots in one area, baking tools in another, plastics and storage containers over here, and small appliances over there.
  • Also think outside the box a bit in your organizing efforts. If you have deep drawers in your kitchen they can hold pots and pan, heavy baking dishes, or even tea mugs.
  • Keep your kitchen organized by going through it every few months. Decide if the organization you have going on there is working for you or if you need to revisit your kitchen setup.
  • One of the main places to focus on in your kitchen is the pantry. When your pantry is organized and accessible it makes meal making that much easier.
    • Start by taking an inventory of your pantry.  I keep my spices in my pantry and it helps to know what I have on hand so that I can make delicious meals.
    • Make nice labels for the containers in your pantry. This will help others to find what they need quickly and easily (leaving your nice pantry in tact.)
    • Repurpose baskets and empty containers to aid in your pantry organizing.


Cleaning up the Kitchen

If your kitchen isn’t clean it can be a turn off to creating a delicious meal. Your goal may be to get in and out when things just aren’t right.