34 Weeks of Cleaning- Cleaning up the Recipe Binder and Finding Some Treasures

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This entry is part 13 of 29 in the series 34 Weeks of Clean


This past week over at 34 Weeks of Clean the job was to clean up our recipes.

I know I made y'all some recipe cards but after going through my own recipe binder I owe you a whole lot more! But we'll get back to that later.

As far as cookbooks go I'm fairly together. I have a select 30 or 40 print ones that I hold on to, the collection on my hard drive and Kindle, mostly from Ultimate Bundle sales which have been really good and focused on healthy eating and menu planning.

But then there's my recipe binder.ย  An altogether different beast. I've had this binder since before I got married. It carries within it recipes from my childhood and recipes before the advent of colorful internet whenย [simpleazon-link asin=”B00FFU8PDO” locale=”us”]MasterCook[/simpleazon-link] was still the computer recipe king (it's still pretty good but there's no longer a Mac version. boo hoo!) A recipe book I'm not getting rid of but one that could do with a little tidying.

Since we moved I've kept this binder up in my husband's office, planning to figure out something to do with it before too long. But really it just needs to be in the kitchen. It has plenty of great recipes in it, meal plans, desserts, even Master Mixes!

So I dusted it off and threw it into the car this week carrying it around to various places I was pit stopping at for more than a few minutes.

I got the best work done on my recipe book at my mother's. We were there for an art day.

On a side note my mother is a retired art teacher so Sweet Peanut gets free art lessons.ย ย  We're making fired clay vases to decorate the home. Highly recommended activity for old and young alike.

So the following are a few pictures from my discoveries in the binder.


One of the great finds in my recipe binder was my recipe for Ethiopian Doro Wot. I'm not Ethiopian (although I have been mistaken for being Ethiopian many times especially when hanging with a girlfriend who is Ethiopian).

Doro Wot is a yummy, spicy, savory stew dish eaten with a yummy flat bread known as Injera. I know I don't make Doro Wot the traditional way and I do alter things (like the butter amount) to account for our eating style but it's still yummy. Back in the day we had friends who would host this big party every year and invite all they knew to enjoy the day watching boat races and enjoying good food. Some of that food was Doro Wot. Yumm yumm. I'm sure my version is nowhere near the original but you can get an idea from

I've posted a recipe for Doro Wat Chicken below and a much easier Injera recipe that what I usually do. The recipe I usually make uses Teff flour and ferments for a couple of days. So just in case you're wanting to try this out tonight you won't have to wait too long for that.


So that is only 1 of the recipes that I unearthed from my recipe book. What about you?

Next up is cleaning your oven. Get the next printable here.

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  1. Goodness… 30 or 40 select cookbooks?? I thought I was too easy on myself for keeping about 20. LOL As long as you use them, they are useful. ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. I know I wrote that with a smirk. I do have a lot of cookbooks. People love to give them to me for gifts and I’ve collected my own through the years. Some of them are small and specialized. Yes they must be of use to stay. I got rid of a lot of ones I wasn’t using when we moved. The treasure of my collection is my Foods of the World from Time Life Books. Vintage and lovely. I love reading about the different cultures and how the food has evolved etc. They make good coffee table books too. People love to flip through when visiting. I had to stop myself from subscribing to Saveur.

  2. Yay! Good job Kemi! And thanks for the pretty recipe cards last week, makes everything look so much nicer. We have friends from Ethiopia, so I cannot wait to show them this recipe and see what they have to say. ๐Ÿ˜‰ They like everything HOT!!! And now I am off to locate a picture of you! ๐Ÿ˜‰

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