Falling Back in Love With Your Home

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Homemaking Tidbit

Have you fallen out of love with your home? Does the grass seem greener across town? Is that fresh new construction beauty down the way calling your name? The massive older home you drive by on your way to shopping or work beckoning to you?

I just wanted to share a book that I'm reading with you. I found this book while browsing at the library and am enjoying it enough that I think it might be something you would enjoy too.

Love the Home You Have is written by blogger Melissa over at The Inspired Room (also the name of another book she has written).

Melissa is a home love and has always had the dream of the perfect home for her. But somewhere along the journey to that perfect castle she discovered that home is what you make it. That the perfect home most likely is the one you area already in.

I'm enjoying this read, and although I'm still in the honeymoon stage of my own home, I'm seeing my rooms with new eyes as I work create my vision of comfort for family and friends. It's not about the house but about the home.

Melissa shares her big dreams and big flops and also pictures of each placed she has lived in her book and on her blog. If you struggle to love the home you're in or even if you love your home this is a good book. It's not about buying new furniture or spending a ton but just doing what you can with what you have.

Melissa's book also includes a 31 day home challenge to help you love the home you're in today (not next year or 5 years from now).

It was a best seller so your library hopefully has a copy too!

And if you need to Fall Back in Love with Homemaking the Homemaking Mentor's Homemaking Academy has plenty of encouraging courses to help you do just that!

My Homemaking Mentor

Linking up with…

A Wise Woman Builds Her Home
Faithful Homestead


  1. Thank you for your comments Elena. Your home sounds lovely 🙂 My husband meets many people such as yourselves doing such lovely work on their homes. I can really imagine what it looks like just from your description and it makes me smile. I could just gush on but I imagine you know how blessed you are 🙂

  2. My husband and I purchased his late parents’ home back in 2004. It was built in 1962 and needs a lot of deferred maintenance and updating. We managed to do the ‘musts’ such as new roof, mold remediation, int/ext paint, carpeting, new HVAC system. We’ve also slowly tackled re-structuring the mulched landscaped area which surrounds the home by repositioning all the hostas and adding in roses, spruces, flox and other perennials. However, there are the big-ticket update items such as windows, interior trim/doors, re-sod lawn, patio pavers, kitchen floor/counter-tops, etc. that still need to be done. Those require the most amount of money.

    There are times that I wish we had just found a home that didn’t need so much work to be done over time. But I have learned as I got older to appreciate what I have and not be envious of what others have. The couple down the street may have a perfectly manicured lawn, Italian marble foyer, granite counter tops, top of the line appliances and beautiful wainscotting and moulding patterns in every room, but they could also be in debt up to their eyeballs because of it. It’s just hub and I (no kids) so doing a little bit at a time is our time together on the weekends and it makes it more satisfying

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