Getting the House in Order with The Everyday Family Chore System {Homeschool Review}

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This entry is part 20 of 28 in the series 2017 Homeschool Reviews

Everyday Homemaking

The last few weeks we’ve been working out a family chore system for our home using The Everyday Family Chore System by Everyday Homemaking

If spreading the love of housework around and seeing to it that things get done by all sounds good to you read on.

The The Everyday Family Chore System is a guide for setting up a chore system that gets the whole family involved with minimal complaints.

The Everyday Family Chore System comes as a PDF download, is 90 pages long, and is broken down into three sections.

The Everyday FAMILY Chore System
Let me walk you through the ebook…

There are 3 Sections to the Everyday Family Chore System

Don’t put it down, put it away.

I admit to spending a lot of time reading this ebook before putting it into play. I was bad at first and jumped right to the last section, The Actual Chore System, but then realized my folly and backed up to the beginning. I think it’s important to fully read this ebook before going about and setting up the Chore System. As I explain each section maybe you will too.

  1. Laying a Foundation is the first section in the Everyday Family Chore System. This first section is about training your children. You may be anxious to get to the actual chore system but this first section is probably the most important one. So read through it. Trust me. Having and using a chore system goes much better when you have willing hearts on hand. In this section, the author references the Bible and uses scripture references to talk about some of the ways parents can work with their children so that they have more willing hearts when it comes to helping around the house.
  2. Implementing the Plan is the next section. So I know I said the previous section was the most important part but this section is also pretty necessary. This is the meat of the family chore system. These are the chores, the appropriate chores for different ages and plenty of ways to keep your home year round. This section lays out how to put the Chore System into play. There are a few suggestions for set up and then the rest of this section is a gold mine of tips for keeping your home clean. There are examples of a Daily Routine, Zone Cleaning, House Rules, and Laundry How-To. If at the end of this section you feel like you have cleaning information overload there is a Quick Review to help you bring it all together.
  3. The Actual Chore System is the final section. Here you get the Chore System Printables. There are printable cards with chores on them and a set of cards with How to Do It instructions on them. There are also blank cards so you can customize the chores and your How to Do It instructions.

How I Set Up the Everyday Family Chore System for My Family

Okay now that you know what is in the ebook I will lay out how it looks for someone to put it together. Components of the Everyday Family Chore System are very familiar to me. Setting up the house in zones. chores according to age, Daily and Weekly chores. My problem is implementing when it comes to family. I’m one of those that likes to do everything herself, but as time goes on I realize that mediocre help is better than no help at all….ha ha ha! I’m just kidding. My family is very capable and actually very willing. I just had to give them a chance.

So to set up the system I first had to read through Section 1 and figure out what I had been doing wrong. My daughter is pretty old to just be starting chores but she really isn’t just now starting. We’ve never really put her to-do’s to paper and I admit to being lax in asking for her help.

My husband has been a little more proactive in the past few months in having our daughter help with chores. He has assigned her the dinner dishes (for which I am eternally grateful) and he cleans the kitchen while she washes.

Next I made a list of the chores important in our home. I admit my list was getting long so I quit while I was ahead.

I first made a list of the Daily and Weekly chores I like to see done in the home (I did this by myself because I know pompous of me).

Then I printed the Chore Cards and some of the How to Do It cards.

While I was still working out how I was going to set this system up I gave the How to Clean the Bathroom card to my daughter. One of her chores is to clean her bathroom every Saturday before going anywhere. Usually, she has to ask me each step of the way what to do next and with what cleaner. The How to Do It card eliminated that (yaaay!). She can now clean her bathroom, very well thank you, using the How to Do It Card. out how I wanted to set up our family system I talked to the family about what was coming next.

Once I figured out how I wanted to set up our family system I talked to the family about what was coming next. They were on board and thought it was a good idea.

I used a white board [easyazon_link identifier=”B005NCN8F4″ locale=”US” tag=”mommybabytool-20″]like this one[/easyazon_link] to set up our chores. I had my daughter draw up the names and add the scripture reference. Using a whiteboard means our space is limited but I wanted the option to change quickly if it wasn’t working.

I printed the chore cards and laminated them and then added magnets to the back.

To use them I had my daughter draw a D for Daily and a W for Weekly under each of our names. The chores we do go under each letter depending upon when they are to be done. When they’re done we put the cards under the name for mama (that’s me) to assign them again).

The Everyday Family Chore System works on a rotation basis so you can share the love of chores. We haven’t added that part yet. I said yet because I do want to get to that point.

I like a clean house and I like when everyone helps to keep it that way and it’s not one person doing all the work. I like this simple but effective way to get that done. Not just for homeschooling families, this will work for any household. This system works not only for getting the family on board but also for keeping mama on track.


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The Everyday Family Chores System

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