On the Kitchen Counter March 6, 2017: Looking at Sourdough

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Happy Monday!

I have guests coming to stay this week! That’s all great but I wanted to talk about all the sourdough. If you remember I took a class from a bakery owner on making sourdough. Okay full confession, I never finished because when she said, “now go make some sourdough pancakes and bread…”, well that was all I heard and I’ve been doing that ever since.

And once I read (not heard but read) that sourdough is considered a fermented food and if you can tolerate wheat that it can actually be good for you! Well I was all over that. We’ve been eating waay too many sourdough pancakes and I make sourdough bread each week for our sandwiches. It’s so amazing to watch that stuff rise without yeast! Very cool!

If you’ve ever thought about making bread I recommend making some sourdough. With the lesson I took (Well am technically still taking because I have to go back and finish up. It is rather long.) it was a seven day process to make the sourdough starter. That’s okay. I hung in there and now I have some very active stuff that I’m not all that particular with. It does very well for me and I’m happy.

Here are some happy healthy reasons to put sourdough bread on your menu (you want the artisan kind)…

  • It’s listed in the [easyazon_link identifier=”B06X6GWVPL” locale=”US” tag=”mommybabytool-20″]Zero Effort Gut Health Ebook[/easyazon_link] as one of the 10 easy changes you can make for better gut health (yes I own the book).
  • Correctly fermented wheat contains 18 amino acids, B vitamins, complex carbs, etc, etc, etc.
  • It’s on the Trim Healthy Mama diet!!!
  • The health of your family’s gut could be the key to dealing with some of those nagging issues (like acne, indigestion, eczema, fatigue, hormonal imbalances, etc) and bringing them to optimal health. (My daughter’s acne is practically all gone! Don’t quote me but didn’t dawn on me that it could be the digestive health changes I’ve been making until lately).

So here are a few sourdough links that I think might help you out.

Now that you’re ready to make some bread let’s talk about my menu for the week.

My Menu for the Week

Monday: Ground Turkey Meatballs in the Instant Pot with Spaghetti Squash (I don’t use the collagen peptides but I might give that a try).

Tuesday: Mediterranean Chicken Thighs 

Wednesday: Sloppy Joes

Thursday: Minestrone Soup and Turkey Sandwiches (on sourdough bread)

Friday: Baked Chicken (guest food)


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