A Tidy Surface for the Day’s Meals: Cleaning the Dining Room Table

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Clean dining room

 A Tidy Dining Room Can Be So Lovely!

My husband comes home from a long day and the first thing he does, after bypassing the hall table, is to set all his work and papers on the dining room table.


Dinner will soon be ready and it would be nice not to have to do a major clean on the dining room before each meal.

A dining room gets used a lot!

Food AND papers happen here not to mention any crafts projects. So when it’s time to clean the dining room I have to think beyond dusting and vacuuming.

Unfortunately, we use our dining room and dining tables for things other than dining and it never seems to recover. I have threatened to hang a mailing center on the dining room wall which seems to scare my husband into keeping his papers in his office.

My daughter likes to turn into an office for her latest projects too. And it doesn’t help that it’s in a direct path to the kitchen. Just call it a dumping ground.

I like to try and give our dining room an overhaul once a month. It looks nice…for a day.

Here’s how I go about cleaning our dining room.

  1. I like to start with the windows and blinds. If there is a lot of sticky greasy dirt on them wiping them down is best but usually, I can dust them very well with a damp cleaning rag. I have sturdy faux wood vertical blinds we got from Steve’s Blinds. I like them so much better than the usual thinner vinyl vertical blinds.
  2. I don’t have a sideboard (yet) but if I did I would move on to cleaning that next. Decluttering and damp dusting.
  3. After the windows I move on to the dining table itself. I wipe it down and make sure to get the sides (messy eaters). Then I wipe down the legs of the dining table.
  4. Next, I move on to the dining chairs. They get wiped down too.
  5. Finally, I sweep and then mop the floor making sure to get the baseboards.

Here are some other things I do to keep the Dining Room tidy

    • We use our little dining room for every meal but if you have a formal dining room some simple organizing and dusting may be all that’s necessary to keep it in good shape.
    • Remember I mentioned there are usually papers on my table?  One daily chore we have that anyone in the family can do is to deliver those papers where they need to go. Daddy’s office, the recyle bin, or the homeschool room.
    • Then there are the dining room lights. They can get pretty dusty.  My dining room lamp can pretty grimy. I like to wipe it down with a damp microfiber cloth and dust the electrical cords.

Congratulations—the dining room is well cleaned!   It’s time to have some guests over. Host a tea party, a dinner party. Celebrate family and friend and serve them on the best dishes! Happily,  our Dining Room is often one of the easiest rooms to keep looking nice and neat!


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