10 Real Homeschool Rooms to Inspire You
Today we're talking about Organizing Homeschool Rooms.
They are an important part of your homeschool life. “Where will school take place?!? And seem to consume not only a lot of space but a lot of thought and energy in figuring out.
First a little about my own homeschool room….
I'm shallow. When it came to homeschooling the first thing I focused on was the layout of the space we would be using. I needed a cute little table and chairs. A cute shelf to hold books and things and something on the wall to hold all my printables and maps etc. Like I said, I'm shallow.
5 years have passed and I'm still shallow. I love the look of a well organized homeschool room. As important ais it is to me our own homeschool room has migrated all over the house. We've used every room but the bathroom. Our books are housed in the home office and we use the nook area at the top of the stairs for most of school…but some days you can find us at the dining table, in the master bedroom, on the back porch or even on the go.
While I do know where you school is not the most important thing in homeschool land it can still give us a few sleepless nights figuring out where everything will take place.
In the past 20 years I've watched my sister homeschool through everything from several moves, being on the road, and even in our home at my dining table when she was comforting me during our time of grief.
A tour of Homeschool Rooms around the web…
In the interest of variety I've gathered the links from 10 homeschoolers around the web showing the various places where their homeschooling takes place. I thought it would give you some inspiration and ideas for setting up your own homeschool space. You have to click through the links to check out each room.
*Note: One thing I've noted is a lot of homeschoolers have a teacher's desk. Not everyone of course but it's something that is making me say “hmmmm….”
- Courtney of The Classic Circus who homeschools 5 boys shares her schoolroom overhaul from this past June. It's a serious school room and I love the color. I see a little reading section in the corner so I'll have to ask her about that. Check it out=> The Classic Circus
- Clara, homeschool mother of two, blogs at A Slice of Homeschool Pie and shares her sunny yellow homeschool room with us. She also describes how she uses each section of her space for homeschooling.
- At Tots and Me Karen a homeschooling mother of 3 little girls show us where she homeschools her precious little children. You would never guess what corner of the home this is. At least I didn't. I like the setup and hope it gives you ideas too of maximizing your home space.
- Lexi at Lextin Academy homeschools 3 children with a little tot in the mix (that's four kids). She shows us her homeschool room from beginning to end. It's a nice use of space with a station for everything. I can me see hanging out in that room all day!
- Sarah of My Joy Filled Life homeschools seven blessings and turned the formal living and dining rooms in her new home into the schoolhouse. I say schoolhouse because it's two rooms. The end result is beautiful. Take a look.
- Candace at Mercy is New shares her space where she homeschools her three children. It's a bonus room that evolved from a playroom to her current homeschool room. It's big, and beautifully set up to learn. I could see spending a lot of time in this room!
- Jennifer at Chestnut Grove Academy shows us her system for organizing current school books, future school books and past schoolbooks. Labeling is an organizer's dream. It's color coded and everything. Check out her system and get ideas for yours here.
- Lisa at Golden Grasses, mother of 5, two of which have graduated from homeschool, has a major work in progress with her homeschool room. She's got plans and places for everything and a darling library cart with wheels. Find out what's in store for the future and view the place she homeschools here.
- For number 9 I've chosen to link to a page at Houzz where you can see some very nicely done homeschool rooms. Yes some a lot of these are white and Pottery Barn spotless so don't hate me for that. But if you dissect them you may still be able to see some nice bits and pieces to incorporate into your own homeschool area.
- Number ten is our own homeschool room here at the Homemaking Organized We have used the landing at the top of our stairs for the last few years. I use this space to homeschool our daughter the Sweet Peanut. To keep it clutter free{ish} I keep the teacher's manuals, work texts, and manipulatives in the home office. I'm in the midst of packing it up as I type this as we have a move in our future. But check out where we've been homeschooling.
Thanks so much for including my link!! What a great post! I love it!
ohmygosh, I love this post! So fun, and I really need to get back to my busiest week of the summer. Thanks for including me ; )!
Thank you Lisa! I’m finding all these rooms inspiring. Thank you for sharing you space with us.