A Bird Study To your Homeschool Science

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Learning About Birds DVD Review
This entry is part 4 of 5 in the series 2013 Homeschool Reviews

Learning about birds is a great addition to your homeschool science. The animal kingdom always peaks the interest of children and this past month we got to review a great video called Fascinating World of Birds DVD by BrainFood Learning.

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Children love learning about the animals they see every day. They hold fascinating wonder for all ages. There are many ways to supplement your homeschool science and adding The Fascinating World of Birds is another option.

The Fascinating World of Birds is a DVD full of fascinating facts and interesting tidbits about 10 different types of birds.

On the video each bird is introduced in a live action video clip while the narrator tells interesting facts about the bird you are viewing.

Fascinating WOrld of Birds Video Details

There are 10 birds featured on the DVD…

  1. ostrich
  2. penguin
  3. goose
  4. owl
  5. hummingbird
  6. woodpecker
  7. macaw
  8. pelican
  9. American Robin
  10. and eagle

The film includes catchy xylophone music.

When you start the video you can either watch all the birds in one video or pick and choose which particular bird you want to learn more about.

There is also a section where you can choose a level of review to test what you have learned about the birds.

The Fascinating World of Birds is…

  • 37 minutes long.
  • Features 10 birds with each feature being about 3 minutes long.
  • There is also a Review section where you review the facts learned about the birds. There are four of these.

Brainfood also recently added lesson plans to compliment the videos. Each lesson plan has numerous worksheets that incorporate reading, writing, as well as science.  It is available for free and can be found here => http://www.brainfoodlearning.com/curriculum/

You can see a sample of The Fascinating World of Birds video below.

The publisher, BrainFood Learning, states that this video is good for all ages and I agree. My daughter, who was 8 at the writing of this post, enjoys this video as do I. The video segments are short so that she doesn’t lose interest and the footage is beautiful. The details about the birds are narrated in such a way that they are not too technical for my daughter while also being interesting and informative enough for an adult (me). This is a video I’m enjoying having in our home library.

Using the Fascinating WOrld of Birds in our Homeschool

Since we are on a summer schedule we actually just watched this video like a movie. In and of itself  it was very entertaining and interesting. This was nice to incorporate into our daily lives. Were we live we see a lot birds each day. Mostly crows but every day there is a sighting of an eagle, hawks and goldfinches (which is the Washington State bird). It’s amazing how quickly you can turn into a bird watcher once you start looking up. It’s been very interesting learning more about the birds we see each day. Some things we had no idea such as birds eating rocks to grind their food. Or about owls and how their eyes are situated or why they fly so silently. We’ve become bird watchers of a sort as a result of this video.

Complement your bird study with Bird Notebooking Pages from Productive Homeschooling.

I think for homeschool use this video is great for visual and auditory learners. The information is clear, concise, straightforward and informative. Young and old homeschoolers will enjoy this video.

Brain Food Learning also two other videos you may be interested in.

[easyazon_link identifier=”B005ZV54Z0″ locale=”US” tag=”mommybabytool-20″]Fascinating World of Insects[/easyazon_link]


[easyazon_link identifier=”B007BBI7ZQ” locale=”US” tag=”mommybabytool-20″]Fascinating World of Mammals[/easyazon_link]

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