Thin Stix Creativity Pack Review and Giveaway {Ended}

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Thin Stix Tempera Paint Review and Giveaway
This entry is part 28 of 28 in the series 2017 Homeschool Reviews

Thin Stix Tempera Paint Review and Giveaway

As we head into the Winter Holiday Season we’ve been playing with some craft projects while reviewing the Thin Stix Creativity Pack from The Pencil Grip, Inc.

Thin Stix Creativity Pack
We are no strangers to the Kwik Stix products from The Pencil Grip. My daughter’s little friends love to get them out and draw when they come over.

We recently got a package of the Kwik Stix Thin Stix Creativity Pack Solid Tempera Paints to review along with other members from the Homeschool Review Crew.

We received a 24 pack of Thin Stix which include the original Twelve Classic Colors,  Six shimmery Metallic hues (oooh), and Six Neon colors.

Note: The paints are gluten, egg, and nut free.

You can purchase Kwik Stix Thin Stix at

How We Used the Thin Stix Kwik Stix

In the past we’ve limited ourselves to using the Kwik Stix Tempera Paints on paper. My daughter was younger when we first tried these paints and even with the idea that these are a cleaner, easier, way to use tempera paints I stayed on the side of safety.

This time around we decided to step out of our comfort box and paint a little wooden birdhouse we picked up at the craft store.

Truthfully I think it’s too small for any birds but it will make a nice front porch decor item come spring….or even for indoor decor. Thin Stix says you can use the paints on wood and they dry in 90 seconds! That’s pretty cool so we took it to the test.

My daughter colored the little birdhouse to her desire. She wanted a rainbow look and I think it came out really cute! A few seconds later I came and swiped my finger across it…Yup! Dry.

This opens up all sorts of possibilities with these paints. I always wander through the unfinished wood section of my favorite crafts store with no idea of what do to. I’m not terribly crafty but wish I were. Now I know that my daughter and I can transform those items easily.

This would be a nice project for a kid’s birthday party too. Mess free!

Now for our own small project, I’ll spray the birdhouse with a protective clear coat. It’s too small for birds anyway.


Some small things I wish…

  1. I wish that the paint actually came in a point rather than flat at the top. True these are thinner stix allowing for more creativity but we still had trouble getting in some tight spots on the birdhouse. Ah I’m being picky! Kids won’t mind!
  2. I wish the color names were printed on the sticks. We went to use some colors and had no names for it so it was, “Grab the blue one. No the other blue with a little bit of green in it.”

These would make a great gift for a family with lots of kids or even just one creative one. And you’re in luck! I’m having a giveaway where one lucky reader will win their own pack of Thin Stix Creativity Pack. Just enter my giveaway below.

Thin Stix Giveaway

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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  1. My grandkids love to paint and they always make a mess. We paint a few times a month, we paint rocks and hide them!

  2. My kids love to paint. They do arts and crafts all of the time. They do make a mess. I have had glitter stuck to my hard wood floors for quite some time.

  3. They would like to paint nearly every day, but they do at least once a week, sometimes more, and they sure used to make messes, and still occasionally do, but are better about now. Big sister is in high school painting classes and they listened to her explain how important not spilling pain, or leaving caps open is to having pain last. Funny how that works, but they think of her as a real artist now since she is studying it.

  4. They LOVE to paint — they would paint every day if I would let them. They make a huge mess — I have plastic tablecloths that I put down that make clean-up fast and easy.

  5. Our 14 year old son paints a lot, but usually in art at school. Our 7 year old and 4 year old daughters also love to paint, and they do so about once a week. They do make a mess, but we keep it in the basement in the toy room, so since i contain the mess, it’s not terrible!

  6. My daughter is an artist just like my dad, so she paints quote often! She does make a mess, so these sticks would be brilliant for her! 🙂

  7. My daughter loves to paint, she paints a few times a year and at art class sometimes. She doesn’t make to big of a mess.

  8. Yes my nephew just likes to dip his fingers in the paint pot and go to town! He also likes stamping his hand onto the paper.

  9. Mine would paint just about every day if I would let them but I don’t because there is always a huge mess in my kitchen. I would say probably once or twice a week except in summer when they can go on the back patio to paint.

  10. My kids would paint everyday but it is too messy. I have seven kids and even when I only had one, it was still too messy to paint frequently.

  11. My kids usually paint once every week or two. My twins always make a mess but my oldest two are pretty good and keeping it clean.

  12. We used to paint a lot more, not so much since the house has been for sale! They don’t make a mess since they are older. I know the little guy will soon though.

  13. My 7 year old loves to paint! He does make a mess but he tries to clean up on his own but I always end up cleaning after. In fact for Christmas this year he’s already decided he wants to paint pictures for everyone. He would love these.

  14. My girls love to paint. Their floors, and furniture are a testament to that ! lol I am always coming across jars of dried out paint and used brushes. They would adore these! Thank you for the wonderful giveaway!

  15. We paint at least 3 times a week especially when it’s cold outside. Painting is a great way to keep them busy and engaged and away from gadgets. I also see his creativity blossoming and him getting better day by day. Initially his paintings were random few lines with different colors. These days he is able to roughly paint shapes and leaves. The more they paint, the better they get and the more they enjoy. We have framed a few to encourage his interest

  16. My children don’t get chronic ear aches but recently my daughter had a horrible double ear infection after a cold settled into her ears.

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